2014-10-10 23:50来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- apparently, the “Lumberjack” is back,it will be awarded to a player, who destroys at least 3 enemy vehicles andbrings down 30 trees in battle 显然,“伐木工”成就将会回归,会奖给那些在一场战斗中摧毁至少3辆敌方坦克并压倒30颗树的玩家。 - same goes for the “Alaric”achievement, that will require to destroy 2 tanks and a “monument” “阿拉里克”成就也会回归,会奖给那些在一场战斗中(至少)摧毁2辆敌方坦克和一座雕塑的玩家。 - an achievement for “burying enemy tankin debris”, which is connected to Havok and the fact that buildings will bedestructable, plus an achievement for “bringing down a structure on enemy lighttank” 将敌方坦克掩埋到废墟中也会获得对应的成就,这与Havok的引入有关,因为这需要建筑可被摧毁。此类成就还有“将建筑物向LT头上砸去”。 - an achievement for flipping enemy tankon its roof 把坦克撞翻也会获得一项成就。 The above requires an explanation – innew motion physics, it will be possible to flip a tank on its roof. To it, theInsider adds that being flipped will destroy the tank quickly (basically theway a tank is destroyed now when another tank drives over it). It will not bepossible to simply flip a tank back. The official reasoning for this is thatflipping a tank on its roof not only destroys its internal equipment, but alsocrushes the turret ring and the thin turret roof armor. The developers want tomake it really hard to flip the tanks, they want to specifically avoid the WarThunder situation, where (and I quote the developers) “the vehicles behave likethey have West Coast custom hydraulics” 上述成就可能需要一点解释:在新的运动效果下,坦克翻车成为可能。于此,内部人士说翻车会很快的摧毁一部坦克(就像现在一个坦克压在另一个坦克上那样飞快的掉血)。想把一个翻车的坦克再翻回来可不是一件轻松的事。对此的官方解释是坦克底朝天不仅会摧毁其内部设备,还会摧毁炮塔座圈以及薄弱的炮塔顶部装甲。开发者们想让坦克翻车不那么容易翻车,就是避免出现战雷那种情况,引用开发者的话来说就是“坦克就像在西海岸汽车拉力赛里一样”。 - an achievement “Bring the Barn”related to something like a 15vs15 TOG battle “谷仓行动”成就与某种类型的15v15TOG大战有关。 - an achievement for pushing around acar (object, that will be movable in Havok) without destroying it whiledamaging at least 3 enemy tanks 推动汽车前行(在Havok中此类物体是可以被推动的),并在不毁坏它的前提下摧毁至少3部敌方坦克。 - something related to “Raisenai”,involves KV-2 surviving extreme odds against German attack, not sure what thisis 与“拉森尼埃”相关的一些东西,包括KV-2在德军的重重围攻下幸存,不清楚具体指的啥。 These achievements are tied to the Havokpatch, which apparently is 9.5 这些成就会在Havok出现的那个版本一并引入,可能是9.5。 [编辑:不详]