2014-10-14 23:34来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
today, the Insider brings two interesting tidbits of information. First, you know how a lot of people wanted the “tank rental” (hiring a premium tank for a limited time)? Apparently, developers are considering it. Recently, certain references were implemented in the upcoming WoT patch (0.9.4), pointing at the option to rent vehicles (unspecified what type) for a limited time either for credits, or for gold. Whether at all or when exactly this option will appear is not known. 还是那位WG中出的叛徒带来的消息。首先,你是知道很多人在买金币车之前都想试玩一下(时间有限),而实际上,开发者们也在考虑这一点。最近,WG就即将登场的新版本(9.4)召开了多次会议,指出某些JB车是可以通过银币或者金币租一段时间的,但是这消息是否可靠还不清楚。 Second interesting fact is that Wargaming is planning an invite program, called “Recruitment”. Basically, if you invite a player (friend or whatever) to play World of Tanks and you platoon with him/her, you will not only get bonuses in the game (bonus XP), you might also recieve unique tank as a reward, IF the recruit you brought in purchases a tier 10 vehicle. This too is in the 0.9.4 files, but there is no ETA on this feature either. 另一个就是WG计划的所谓的“征募”机制,就是说如果你邀请一个玩家(朋友什么的)玩WOT,并与他/她组队,你不仅会在游戏中有经验收益加成。如果你带的这人出了10级车,那你还有机会得到一部独特的坦克作为奖励。这是在9.4的文件中发现的,但是这特征多久出也还是个未知数。 [编辑:不详]