坦克世界10月21日你问我答 +/-1分房不会加入
a player stated that the new high-caliber(152,170mm) sounds in 9.4 sound like a combinationof three successive sounds. Storm confirmed that, stating that it’s a trick,done in movies to improve the “power” of the sound. 有玩家反映在9.4版本中大口径炮(1507170级别的)声音有点像三声相混合的炮声。 - Storm does not know exactly, but it’s possible the developers are experimenting with transferring WoT to WWISE (new sound engine) storm表示这是他们有意而为之,storm并不太清楚 ,但开发人员正尝试把WOT的声音引擎更换为WWISE。 - IS-7 will not be buffed: “the HD IS-7became stronger than the old one” IS-7的高清模型不会BUFF的比老-7“更强”。 - the famous Stalingrad fountain with kidsplaying will not be present on the ingame map, as it did not fit the segmentthat was modelled 斯大林格勒的某著名喷泉景点不会出现在新地图中,因为它对建模有点麻烦。 - T-34-3 will not be buffed more than it isin round 1 in 9.4 T-34-3不会比9.4一测里的BUFF更多。 - remember that Igromirvideo host? Russian playersfound out that she “acted” in an… adult movie, so to say. Igromirvideo host? 这个.........有成为新快播的潜力。 developers are still working on XP fortanking 开发组仍然致力于坦克抗伤害所获经验的工作。 Stalingrad will appear in the game withoutHavok at first 斯大林格勒地图不会第一时间使用HAVOK引擎。 - +/-1 MM will not be introduced - +/-1 MM不会加入。 - regarding the “Recruitment” program, it will not be usable to train your twinks due to limitations 成员训练有关新的“招募”计划。 [编辑:不详]