
12月10日你问我答 WG解读放大狙击模式

  probably for the sake of clarity, Wargaming NA decided to make a Q&A thread, where players can ask whether that respective mod is legal on US server. While in general terms the same conditions apply for all servers, please note that something being illegal on one server does NOT mean it’s automatically illegal on other servers – no idea why this is not unified, Wargaming is just funny that way.

  可能是由于要澄清的原因,WG北美分布决定做一个Q&A的主题,玩家可以去那里问某些mod在美服是否合法。请注意,尽管说各个服大致的条件差不多,但是不代表某个服务器上不合法的插件在其他服务器也是不合法的 - 谁知道为什么不是一样的(嗝~)。WG在这方面很逗比的。

  From the thread:

  - Warpack is illegal (duhhhh)

  - the Battle Assistant (the arty mod) is legal

  - XVM is allowed

  - sniper-mode zoom-in and zoom-out mod is not allowed, except for replays for free camera






  Explanation for the zoom mod from WG manager Pigeon_of_War:

  这个是WG的经理 Pigeon_of_War 回复的:

  This goes back to our Lens Scope prohibited mod rule. If you can zoom with your Sniper mode so much it removes foliage from the position you are in or the position you are zooming, it is Prohibited. These mods do exist and it seem to be caused be a mix up in someone coding it (accidentally?) so that you can zoom so for that it incidentally causes the foliage to be removed. Just note, it’s Prohibited if it removes foliage. Regular Zoom Mods that allow you to just increase the the area you are currently looking in are fine (for right now, we do reserve the right to change this at anytime, of course


  So if you have an account on US server, you can ask whether a mod is legal or not. Haven’t seen any such thread for EU.


上一篇:12月9日你问我答 IS-4装甲高清化后增强 下一篇:12月11日你问我答 回放文件问题将修复


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

