Hello everyone, 大家好, in the future (possibly 9.6, although this is not confirmed), the map Swamp will be rebalanced as such: 在未来(有可能是9.6,但是消息没有得到肯定),黑暗沼泽这张图会做出以下平衡: - starting point of the left team was moved more to the center 左边队伍的出生点会更加靠近中心 - bases were moved to more vulnerable areas 基地也被挪到了更加容易被攻击的地区 - white line zones were changed (terrain, cover) 白线圈起来的地方有改动(地形,掩护什么的) - the middle “swampy” part had its terrain passability improved 地图中间的“沼泽”区域的地形通过能力上升 [编辑:不详]