平衡师解读轻坦未来变动 RU251不会削弱
2015-02-03 20:25来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Helloeveryone, 各位炮友大家好! anotherpart of “Developer Time” show (where a developer answers player question) wasreleased on Wargaming FM radio. Here’s the transcript, courtesy of WoT Expresscommunity. The answering developer is Yuri Filippovsky, “game balance designer”. 这次来继承SerB遗志的是游戏平衡师Yuri Filippovsky,QA的内容发布在了WG FM上。 -unfortunately, according to historical documents, AMX-40 was classified as alight tank, not much WG can do about it 很不幸,AMX-40(鸭子)根据历史资料来看他就是轻坦,WG也没辙(鸭子:我极速能跑50) - T71 started to fall behind in statistics a bit, it was decided to buff it abit T71现在看起来有点弱了,但是决定要略微加强一下。 - the statistics show that the light tanks do not fall behind a lot in XP andcredit farming behind other classes 数据来看轻坦的经验和银币赚的不比别的车少 -RU251 will not be nerfed RU251不会锉的 - it’s possible that when Havok gets introduced, some tanks will have to berebalanced, but WG is hoping this won’t happen 有可能Havok引入的时候,有些车需要重新平衡,但是WG不希望这个会发生。 -AMX-40 is the most dull LT in the game 鸭子应该是整个游戏里最挫的LT了 -the most important role of the light tank is to spot 轻坦就应该去点灯 - there is already a fun mode in development for April 1st, it’s not a “zombie”mode 有计划愚人节出一个新的娱乐模式,但是绝对不是僵尸模式(国服玩家:难道我在凌晨玩的不是僵尸模式?) - AMX-13/90 will not be buffed 1390加强?想太多 -it’s not yet decided, how the AMX-13/57 will be released to players 还未确认1357会不会向玩家发放 - T-50-2 was removed “for various reasons”. It was removed “at the peak of itsfame”, today, it wouldn’t be that famous anymore. It will not return. 强力胶502被移除“有很多种原因”。当时选择移除它是因为“那时候正处于它的巅峰时期”,然而今天,他不会像当时那样厉害了。但是不管怎么我们也不会让它回来的。 - tanks that move very fast suffer more from various engine bugs. More maximumspeed than 80 km/h will not be implemented 跑得太快的玩意会承受更多的引擎bug。不过最高80km/h的速度限制不会引入的。 -T-54 “Light” is not suitable for a medium tank role (SS: earlier, this tank wasconsidered for medium role instead at one point) 54LT没法担当中坦的职责,(SS:原来这玩意可是很多人都在当中坦呢) - TD/HT viewrange nerf is not a LT buff per se, it’s about returning theclasses to their originally intended roles TD和重坦砍视野不是LT的加强,只是让各种车辆接着干自己的事 - it’s very difficult to find suitable hightier LT candidates – scouting onhigh tiers is the role of medium tanks, there will not be a LT10 找不到更合适的更高级轻坦了,高级车点灯的责任给了中坦,也就是说不会有10及轻坦的 -9.6 changes are not the last changes to the LT class 9.6不会是最后一次动轻坦 - AMX 12t is fine statistically, many players play it AMX12T数据很好,很多人都在玩 - if you scout and spot with the LT, you will maximize your profits –complaints about LT XP/credit income are pointless 你用轻坦点灯的时候,你会最大化你的优势,抱怨轻坦经验银币少完全就是多余 -winrate in WoT statistics acts as a sort of “summary number” – there is noclear method how to determine whether a tank is OP or not 胜率在wot里充当着“总结性的数据”,没有明确的方式来确定如何判断一辆车是否OP - currently, LT’s are fine, MT’s do not surpass them totally 目前来看,轻坦数据一切安好,中坦没有彻底把它们压得透不过气来 - the gameplay became more dynamic with the introduction of new light tanks 由于新的轻坦的加入,游戏变得变数更多了 - LT stabilization parameters (accuracy on the move) are fine 轻坦的移动射击很好 [编辑:不详]