坦克世界2月7日你问我答 VK4502B即将彻底删除
2015-02-13 22:25来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- Storm confirms that the Mäuschenvehicle is historical, it was made based on this drawing Storm确信小老鼠是符合历史的,依据就是这张图。 - the replacement of VK4502B with Mauschen willcome “soon” 新的小耗子即将到来。 - VK4502 Ausf.B will not be made premium, itwill be removed from the game, just like the FV215b (120) VK4502B将会永远的退出WoT的历史舞台,和FV215b(120)一样。 - for now, there are no other replacement plansfor the Maus branch 目前为止,老鼠线没有别的改动计划了。 - for now, there are no plans to give Maus analternative 150mm gun 目前为止,没有给鼠爷可以选择150炮的计划。 - accuracy nerf being really bad for inaccuratefast tanks like the T49? “Wait for the aim circle to aim fully andyou’ll be fine” 对于像t49这种精度不好的快速车来说再砍精度是不是很可怕?---等你圈缩小了再打不就行了。 - the only accuracy change was the distributionof shells inside the center of the aim circle, the sigmas were not touched: itdoes NOT mean the shells will fall to the edges of the circle more often 精度的改变只是影响瞄准镜内的着弹分布,这不代表打在瞄准圈线周围的几率变得更大。 - the accuracy nerf in 9.6 applies to both artyand premium vehicles 火炮和金币车在9.6一块砍精度 - Q: “The accuracy nerf is really bad forartillery!” A: “Do you often fire snap shots with arties? :)” Q:火炮再砍精度没法玩了!A:谁让你没锁圈就开炮的。 [编辑:不详]