俄服官方权威解读 坦克世界9.6版本精准度改动
2015-02-13 22:25来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Since this is not on EU portal yet (would be marginally more useful to post this instead of another premium shop bundle), here’s the Russian server explanation for the accuracy change in 9.6. 鉴于欧服官网上还没有这个(发这个能比金币车礼包稍微强一丁点),以下是毛服对于0.9.6的精准度改动的解释: Basically, the official reason for the nerf is that the tanks were too accurate (shooting too often to the center of aim circle) even when the AC was not fully aimed. Thus, the developers decided to separate the aim circle into 10 zones and each zone has a certain probability to have the shell land in it. This is how it looks in 9.5: 基本上来说,官方对于本次削弱给出的理由是坦克在瞄准圈没有完全缩到最小的情况下还是准的过头了(炮弹经常能落在瞄准圈中心)。因此开发团队决定把瞄准圈分成10个区域,炮弹落在每个区域中的概率都是固定的。以下是9.5的情况: The broken lines represent the various sectors and the circle, designated by unbroken white line – 70 percent of shells fall into that circle. The red dots represent the shell impacts within aim circles, the amount used for this sample was 3000 shots. Now, there wasn an issue allegedly of the “snap shot” accuracy (shots without aiming), when people, who were not aiming properly just managed to hit even fast low-armored targets repeatedly. Therefore, WG had to nerf this. This is how the distribution compares from 9.5 to 9.6 虚线代表的是不同的区域,而由实线画成的圆是—70%的炮弹都会落在这个区域中。红点代表的是炮弹在瞄准圈内的散布,样本数量为3000发。据WG官方的说法,问题出在“甩炮”(不瞄准就开炮)的命中率身上,因为玩家可以在不好好瞄准的情况下多次打到那些跑的快装甲薄的目标。所以WG需要Nerf一下这个。以下是9.5和9.6相比较的散布的情况: In order to prevent the stuff above, the probability of hitting exactly the center (“bull’s eye”) was reduced from 16 percent to 10 percent, but the chance for the shell to fall into the adjacent zone to the bull’s eye increased by the same difference. This change will keep the accuracy for the accurate/fully aimed guns while reducing the accuracy of snap shots. 为了防止上面说过的情况(甩炮),炮弹落到瞄准圈正中央(“正中红心”)的几率从16%下降到了10%,然而这个6%的差值补正在了炮弹落到正中央旁边区域内的几率上。这个改动会让缩圈缩完的炮的精准度保持不变,而降低甩炮时候的命中率。 And this is how it looks in 9.6 – not aimed gun versus fully aimed gun: 以下是9.6的情况—没缩圈的炮和缩圈了的炮的对比 [编辑:不详]