外服战场水深火热 谈个人任务刷子现象
2015-02-05 22:52来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
the individual missions have been around for a while now. Many players have their StuG IV’s already, some have the T28C, some have the T55A and more than a thousand (on RU server anyway) have Object 260. I am sure many of us noticed the change in gameplay style in randoms, occasional retarded behavior of a player, who wants to complete the mission at all costs and all that. It was to be expected and I am sure Wargaming counted on it. But there’s another really serious side effect the individual missions have, the rigging. 个人任务正在如火如荼的进行中,很多人已经拿到了四突,有些人正在向T28C和T55A努力,而有一千多人已经拿到了260工程(毛服)。游戏里很多事情不可预计,说不定什么时候你就遇到了一个为了刷任务不惜一起代价的逗逼呢。不过这在设计任务时是预料到了的,WG对此有数。但是现在有个新问题出现——组队刷任务 Rigging is a process, during which the players on both teams, instead of fighting one another are working together to complete the mission objectives, screwing the rest of the team in the process. The most notorious mission to be rigged (as far as I can tell) is the last mission of the heavy tank series, where a lot of bounced shells is required. The standard rigging process of this mission looks like this: 组队刷任务需要一伙人分别在两队共同完成,他们不求别的,只求互刷。最臭名昭著的就是ht的最后一个任务(刷潜在伤害),有人发了个相关视频,我们来看看他们是怎么做的 - you take three (or five, works better) friends (clanmates) and form two platoons - 你需要3个机油(5个更好),组2队 - you wait until very late in the night for the best chance to appear in the battle together - 等到夜深人静四下无人的时候,2队人准备就绪 - you coordinate (via Teamspeak for example) it so that both platoon leaders click “battle” at once (simply by counting down on TS). In late night hours when very few players play, the chance to appear in one battle (on the opposite sides, one platoon each side) is very high - 通过(TS,YY等)交流,两队长同时按下进入战斗(大家一起倒数)。半夜人很少,就有很大几率把你们两队丢在同一场战斗 - you meet on some spot in the battle (preferably without witnesses) and you shoot each other’s tank strongspots (frontal turret, mantlet, spaced armor parts) to accumulate as much “damage saved by armor” as possible. There we go, mission done! - 然后就是表演时间,照着机油的最硬的地方一阵狂撸就好,潜在唰唰唰的涨,然后拍拍屁股走人 Some cases are REALLY obvious (even some players from some “good” clans are not very smart people), but some (where the riggers aren’t all from the same clan), not so much. If you saw the last “rigging” post on FTR, the riggers were punished by Wargaming and by their clan, but that was after the video appeared on FTR – and even then (the video was pretty damning), some people were claiming it was actually not rigging. Check this another example – here, players from clan -BIA- on both sides meet in one section of the map and are “fighting very hard”: 有些刷子太明目张胆,一个军团的人出来刷太过显眼,有些就比较低调。WG公布了一些受罚者,其中有人出来喊冤,说自己没刷。蛤,从举报视频上看,两队来自同一军团的人,躲在地图角落啪啪啪,演的很逼真嘛! You can see the players following the patter I wrote about above practically to the letter. Naturally, the riggers were also reported in the game. But did anything happen to them? Were they punished? SS之前说过这一问题,一般来说这些刷子是被举报了,但是有啥惩罚吗? They were not. SVK_Lovec111 (one of the participants) for example was/is playing even today, according to Noobmeter (and online status) – so clearly, there is no automated system to prevent rigging and reporting via ingame system does not work, as: how many times do the riggers have to be reported for this to work? Because there are rarely more than one or two witnesses to the event, like in the case above. Also, they would have to be completely retarded to actually try to do this TWICE or with many witnesses (once is usually completely enough). 没有,据我所知有一个刷子今天还在撸炮。显然目前无法做到系统自动检测刷子,举报系统也不太靠谱,要举报几次才算呢?因为很多时候刷子是在一场战斗的最后才露出尾巴,一直看到最后的玩家本来就少,所以有1,2个举报已经算很多了 Now, you might claim – okay, fuck it, let’s report them via a ticket. Ooops, you can’t do that either: 现在你可能不服:艹,不行是吧,WG不是在发调查问卷么,我从这上面来举报。 额,可惜你还真不能这么干 So yea, rigging battles is actually pretty safe, unless you get VERY unlucky and the witness actually has a clue of what’s going on, films the entire thing or makes it somehow public. How many players do you think even know what “rigging” is? Five percent tops would be my guess. The fact that it is unfortunately “safe” and that even if the players get punished, the fines are very low (what’s a week of a ban, nothing, I am not even sure they reset the rigged missions for you). A good example comes from ASIA server, where the amount of rigging by one clan specifically, VPA, has become very, very blatant. WG ASIA is generally quite lax in these matters – you heard the name VPA before, haven’t you? 所以说,刷子还是挺安全的,除非你倒霉到被抓到了确切把柄或者大家广泛关注了。有多少人知道还能刷?百分之五不到吧。而且即使被罚了,也仅仅是不痛不痒的(大概封号1星期而已)。亚服给了我们一个典型案例,有一个叫VPA的军团非常嚣张,但是WG亚洲部不怎么管,额,不过这个军团有点眼熟? That’s right, they are the same guys that rigged the third CW campaign a month and a half back. Now, they are unsurprisingly back at it again and I recieved literally dozens of mails regarding this issue – it’s clearly a pressing matter for the honest ASIA players and not just some random outlier. Additionally, the 3rd campaign scandal on ASIA has been allegedly swept under the rug – but I don’t know, ASIA clan stuff is not exactly my focus of interest. But given the number of reports, I completely believe the issue with IM rigging is notable. 没错,这群人在一个半月前的第三次领土战也在刷,所以对他们重操旧业一点也不惊讶,ss最近收到很多关于这个的邮件,对于那些正常游戏的亚洲服玩家来说,这件事非常急迫。据说亚洲服的领土战友很多丑闻被和谐了,ss虽说并不关注亚洲服军团,不过这种事情还是挺值得关注的。 You know what I think? I think that IM rigging is punished strictly on RU (they even publish the names and clans that are guilty of rigging), but on EU and ASIA, nobody gives a flying fuck about it unless a video appears on the web or something. This is not good – and concerns not as much me, as it does all those players, who got their reward tanks honestly through skill and effort. How will they be regarded, when others got theirs clearly by rigging? 相比之下毛服就非常严格,帖出了刷子以及军团的名单,但欧洲服和亚洲服根本没有人管(除非有视频被捅出来)这不是什么好事,因为这不光跟我个人有关,这也和广大老老实实辛勤撸炮的炮友们息息相关。所以这事会怎么处理呢? The solution would perhaps be to publish the names of players and their punishments, as well as completely ban them from the entire IM system, forever. That sounds like a harsh and yet fitting punishment, don’t you think? 也许这样可行:公布名单,同时把这些人彻底从个人任务的系统里踢出去。恩,听起来很严厉,不过也挺合适的,你觉得呢? [编辑:不详]