9.6版本加入成员转职功能 高额金币遭吐槽
2015-02-03 20:25来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
as you probably already know, one of the main features of patch 9.6 will be the retraining of crew members from a different role to another (for example from radioman to gunner). This change is as far as I know available ONLY for gold and on test 1, the price was 600 gold, but it was decided to reduce it to 500 gold. 你大概已经知道了,9.6的一个重要功能就是成员可以转职了,在一测中,必须用金币才能转,价格600金一位,但目前降低到500了 As you can imagine, the price was not met with much approval from the community and many complained that it’s too high. Here’s Storm’s answer (from the non-public section of RU forum): 聪明的你可以想象,这个价格超出了大部分人的预期,受到了人民群众的广泛指责,下面是storm的回复: “The most common case during the tanker role retraining: unlocking a new tank, retraining the crew to it from the old one and it turns out that one more tanker is needed (or, opposite, you have one tanker too many). And so, you take a free tanker and you try to put it in this tank (or in the opposite case, you take the free tanker and you retrain it to another tank). 最常见的重训练情况:解锁新车,从旧车上把成员拿过来,重训练,然后发现少一个或者多了一个成员,这时候,你就拉来一个闲散成员,然后想把他丢上去(或者多一个,先让他失业,然后看看能否在其他车上再就业) - you retrain the tanker to another tank 你用的是另一个坦克上的成员,重训练到当前坦克 - there’s a skill/perk reset (since you have a different role now) - 技能需要重置(职位变了) - the role itself gets changed - 职业变了 At first, we charged 200 gold for each of these operations (as we did earlier), in total we got 600 gold. Then we reduced it to 500. A bulk discount :)” 我们一开始一项目收你200金,总共600.既然你们这么不高兴,那我们就打个折,收你500好了 [编辑:不详]