2月4日你问我答 点亮机制未来将大改
2015-02-05 22:52来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
all shells of the same type have the same normalization (there is no individual normalization for specific shells) 同类型的弹药的转正都是相同的(不会有特别的弹药有特别的转正数值的) on test server, WZ-111 (the Christmas marathon premium) has a different icon, it’s possible this was changed due to the fact that there were some issues with the old one 测试服里王三棍的图标有点不一样,有可能是因为老的有毛病所以就换了 for now, chromatic aberration effect is not planned for WoT 现在坦克世界没打算引入色差的特效 TD viewrange nerf will not be compensated by any buffs for now, WG will watch the statistics though 目前砍td视野不会用别的加强来补偿的,wg会注意数据的 equipment from the tanks with nerfed viewrange will not be removed for free 被砍了视野的车不会免费把配件拆下来的 T95 model in test 3 should be correct t95在3测的模型应该是正确的 Storm confirms that WG is not considering banning (not allowing) trollplatoons Storm确认wg不打算封逗比组队 spotting system overhaul will come in “medium future” (SS: usually 3-6 months) 点亮机制的大改大概会在未来3到6个月左右到来 it’s not yet sure (decided) how will the FV4202 replacement differ gameplay-wise from current tier 10 FV4202 还不太确定4202替换之后要不要和现在的10级4202的玩法有所区别 someone asked me about the (incorrect) Portugal flag in the game (according to this thread) – passed it on to Storm, his answer was that it will be investigated 有人问ss说葡萄牙的国旗好像有点问题。ss跟storm说了,他说以后会调查的 regarding the concern that STA-2 premium tank will be unplayable with full MM: “we’ll watch the statistics” (SS: am I the only one who has a problem with this? So they will knowingly sell something where they are not sure of the quality of the product – in this case, whether it’s properly balanced – and then they will watch the statistics instead of making sure it IS balanced in the first place?) 有人抱怨STA-2没有分房保护导致没法玩:我们会关注数据的 ss怒婊:金币车作为一个商品你应该事先平衡好才对,你得保证你商品的质量,现在你就等于商品质量都不确定就拿出来卖像话吗? [编辑:不详]