2月13日你问我答 10级高穿深炮计划削弱
2015-02-13 22:25来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
- Q: “RU251 and ELC guny look roughly the same, have the same caliber and about the same size, but one gun’s shells fly slower, why?” A: “Gun performance does not depend on their appearance” Q:RU251和ELC的炮长得都差不多,口径一样,大小也差不多,但是某个的炮弹飞得就是慢,你们给解释下呗?A:炮的长相跟他的属性没关系 - Storm states that while spotting mechanisms didn’t change in the past, various vehicles’ camo coefficients did Storm表示虽然之前的点亮系统机制没有改过,但是某些车的隐蔽值是改过的 - the leaked Steyr WT model turret is bugged, it’s too low 之前泄露的斯太尔WT模型的炮塔有bug,太矮了 - developers will further work on larger maps and will try to solve all issues with them 开发者们正在继续研究大型地图,并且试图解决其所有的问题 - Storm confirms that in the future, the MM will not only take tier and such in account, but also the role of the tank Storm表示,在将来,分房系统不仅仅根据级别之类的,也会根据车的属性来分房 - people, who are balancing tanks, are playing a lot 搞平衡的那群人,他们玩的很多 - Q: “If Maus is doing fine statistically, why are players whining to buff it all the time?” A: “Because it’s slow. Slow vehicles are always making people complain, especially unicums” Q:如果鼠爷的数据还不错,为毛一群人还要抱怨呢?A:因为这车太慢了。慢车经常会被抱怨,尤其是那些大佬们 - Storm admits that the British tree as a whole is unpopular, despite having some very successful vehicles Storm承认英国线基本整体来讲玩的人不多,尽管某些车的确很好玩 - Maus speed will not be buffed unhistorically 鼠爷的速度不会buff到非历史的状态 - E-100 has generally worse armor than Maus E-100的装甲总体来讲没有鼠爷好 new anti-aliasing will be implemented in the future (no ETA) 新的抗锯齿会推出的(没有具体时间) - Storm stated earlier that some tier 10 very high pen guns will have their penetration nerfed. This concerns gold ammo as well. Storm表示那些10级的非常高穿深的炮会砍一下穿深。包括金币弹也是如此。 - Storm’s advice when facing series of the same maps over and over: “switching to another server should help” Storm关于老是进同一张地图的建议:换个服务器也许能有点用 - HD models of artillery will not come anytime soon 火炮的HD模型不会很快推出的 - some player insisted that WoT should run with Dx12, because according to some article, Dx12 assures higher FPS. Storm replied that he has seen the article and it’s just PR (advertisement) 某些玩家坚持WOT应该以DX12运行,因为根据某些文章,DX12能提供更高的FPS。Storm回复说,他已经看过那些文章了,基本上就是广告 - a player is complaining that after the viewrange nerf, Dicker Max and FCM TD kept their long viewrange and are now imbalanced. Storm states that they are unfortunately premiums and cannot be nerfed 某位玩家对视野大砍很不满,大麦和FCM36还能保持原来的视野所以说现在很不平衡了。Storm表示说,这俩是金币车,所以很难再被砍了 - VK4502B is getting removed, because it’s basically made up (SS: the armor is and some of its configurations) and WG wants to “move away from made up vehicles” VK4502B将会移除,因为这车基本就是凭空变出来的(SS:装甲以及某些配置方面),而且WG也决定“从大变活车之中走出来” - Storm confirms that some old premium tanks will be removed from the store Storm表示某些老旧的金币车将会从商店中移除 - according to Storm, the income situation on tier 8 used to be much worse, so it’s not true that tier 8 players are suffering more than they did before 根据Storm,过去8级车的收入还不赶现在,所以说8级的玩家比原来更苦的说法是不对的 - transferring the tank model to HD does not always imply an armor nerf, but it implies making the armor model more accurate. Something becomes thicker, something becomes thinner, depends on each tank. 把坦克模型换成高清并不意味着装甲要被挫,而是意味着装甲模型要比原来更加的准确。某些装甲会变得更厚,某些会更薄,这是要根据坦克来说的。 - regarding the effects of 9.6 accuracy nerf: “its effect has to be analyzed on a large number of players” (SS: I love being a guinea pig) 关于9.6的精度被砍:“需要大量玩家的样本才能分析出结论”(SS;我很乐意当个小白鼠的) - Storm did monitor the situation and so far, the “damage dealt” parameter overall (on all tanks) dropped by 1 percent, which is within tolerance. The situation will be further monitored. Storm正在紧盯着数据情况,其中“造成伤害”的总数下降了1%,包括公差。之后数据也会被继续监控。 - after 9.6 accuracy nerf, arty stats will be monitored as well, very carefully 在9.6砍完精度之后,火炮的数据会被非常小心地监控 - VK4502A will not be renamed after the VK4502B is removed VK4502A(米老鼠)不会在VK4502B移除之后重新命名 - developers are considering how to deal with more and more cheating mods, but for now, nothing can be said 开发者正在考虑如何处理那些越来越多的作弊mod,但是对于现在来说,还什么都做不了 - it is not sure, that AMX-13/75 will be buffed in 9.7, the best ETA is “later” 并不确定1375是否会在9.7被buff,至于什么时候会出只能说“稍后” - the transmission/engine split will only come for the rest of the tanks, when the vehicles are reworked to HD 传动引擎分离以后只会在坦克重制为HD的时候推出了 - M4A3E8 Fury has bugged transmission/engine model (transmission causes fires), it will be fixed in the future 狂怒的传动/引擎是有问题的(打中传动可能会造成起火),在将来会被修复的 - Storm reacts on claims that other games (Armored Warfare, War Thunder) have better engines and that nothing is stopping WG to transfer the game to a better engine: Storm对于其他的游戏(装甲战争,战争雷霆)有更好的引擎,而且是不是有什么在阻挡WG使用更好的引擎的回应: “What is stopping us is that contemporary engines have worse results on really bad computers than even current BigWorld. What is also stopping us is that developing a game for a new engine would take 2-3 years. We will use this time to modernize our engine. AW and WT are calculating a part of the gameplay on the client side, that’s why they are less dependant on connection quality. That’s not an engine thing. We cannot afford that due to the scale of our project.” 原因是同类型的引擎在很差的电脑上甚至还不如现在的Bigworld。原因是开发一个新引擎需要2-3年。而我们则用这些时间来改进我们的引擎。装甲战争和战争雷霆的某些计算是在客户端进行的,这就是为什么他们不需要那么好的网络质量。这个跟引擎一点关系都没有。我们则做不到这点,原因是我们项目的规模有限。 - both Chieftain and Action X (replacing FV4202 and FV215b) will come together in one patch 酋长和百夫长X(替换215b和4202)将会在同一个补丁里一块推出 - Chieftain armor was already measured: “it’s not like T110E5〃 酋长的装甲已经测量完毕了“和T110E5不是很像” - Chieftain model is not ready yet 酋长的模型还没建好 - bot turret consumables for stronghold (“bunkers”) will be implemented, they are being tested by now 要塞的AI炮塔(碉堡)补给即将实装,现在正在测试中 - one man training rooms will not be implemented, as it might significantly influence server performance (load). It was considered and rejected. 单人训练房是不会推出的。因为这会影响服务器的工作(负载)。WG曾经考虑过,不过最终还是放弃了 [编辑:不详]