成烫手的山芋 E-25模型增大或引发风波
2015-02-13 22:25来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
if you read the FTR evening QA regularily, you might have noticed one thing: Storm admitting that the E-25 is way too small. Or – to be specific: he did not admit it, he just listed the ingame client sizes. The thing is… those sizes do not match the bible of German armor design, the Panzer Tracts series of books by Hilary Doyle (who – in case you don’t know the name – is the most respected authority on German wartime vehicles in the world). Let’s have a look at how the sizes compare number-wise: 如果你是FTR或者QA的忠实观众,你也许会注意到这个:Storm承认E-25的体积确实太小了-或者应该说,他没有承认,但是把游戏中的体积列出来了。但是……这个体积和被誉为德国装甲的圣经,Hilary Doyle(怕你不认识他-他是世界上最权威的德国二战装甲车专家)所著的the Panzer Tracts系列丛书里的数据不相配。让我们看看实际的体积: Ingame width according to Storm: 2,78 meters Real width according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 3,41 meters 游戏内宽度:2.78m Doyle的数据(PT 20-1):3.41m Ingame height according to Storm: 1,75 meters Real height according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 2,03 meters 游戏内高度:1.75m Doyle的数据(PT 20-1):2.03m Ingame hull length according to Storm: 4,5 meters Real hull length according to Doyle (PT 20-1): 5,66 meters 游戏内长度:4.5m Doyle的数据(PT 20-1):5.66m But how would such change look on the model? Well, Pantheist (EU) made a comparison, using the numbers above and made a model of how it would actually look, if the vehicle was made larger. 但是如果以上变化放在模型上会是什么样子呢?Pantheist(EU)做了一个对比,使用以上的数据来见了一个模型,来表现E-25变大之后实际的大小。 As you can see, the size increase is relatively high (width by 22 percent, height by 16 percent and length by 25 percent), so it’s likely that this would also come with some sort of camo factor nerf. There are two basic questions of course: 你看,其实这尺寸还是变大了不少的(宽了22%,高了16%,长了25%),所以这么一改估计隐蔽系数也要砍了。但是现在有两个问题: - does E-25 need nerfing? E-25真的需要砍吗? - what about its premium status? 那金币车的属性怎么办? For the first question to be answered, it’s enough to have a look at the vehicle statistics in wot-news. The overall winrate of this vehicle is 50,2 percent on RU server (which is not so bad), but when you look at the skill curves, you’ll see that the vehicle is somewhat OP for any player above 48 percent winrate. So yes, it could use a little nerfbat. 对于第一个问题,看看wot-news里面的车辆数据就行了。毛服上这辆车的平均胜率在50.2%(还是可以的),但是看水平曲线的时候,只要这辆车落在任何一个平均胜率高于48%的玩家手里都是有点OP的。所以没错,这车的确可以稍微Nerf一下。 But, of course, it’s a premium. And we all know what happens when premium stuff gets nerfed in any way. I am pretty sure that Wargaming wants to avoid “another Super Pershing” (as well as “another SU-76I”), or at least I was told as such. What baffles me is – why in that case did it take so long to pull from the store and why did Wargaming go like “buy them NOW, they are getting removed” – because what do you do when you have an OP vehicle? That’s right, you advertise it’s OP for a month before it gets pulled. *sigh* 但是你看,这是个金币车。我们都知道金币车被砍的时候会怎么样。我相信WG想要避免“另一个超潘”(或者说“另一个SU-76I”)的情况,至少他们是这么跟我说的。但是真正困惑我的是—为什么WG要在把它从商店移除之前留了那么长一段时间,就好像在说“赶紧买啊马上没了”——你发现游戏里有个OP车辆,你怎么办?没错,在下架之前宣传一个月这车有多OP。 I asked about it some folks at WG RU. Basically, E-25 is totally radioactive right now and noone wants to touch this issue – it’s a very popular vehicle and on RU server (or anywhere really) and if you nerf it, you’re going to be the Big Satan. Furthermore, there are allegedly other historical documents, that show the current E-25 dimensions as correct. I also asked Storm directly about this and he said he can’t tell me anything, so I guess it’s not decided yet on any level. We’ll just have to see. 我问了WG毛服的一些人。E-25这个问题现在很烫手,没人想要去处理它—这辆车在毛服的人气很好(其实在哪里都不错)如果砍了,那你就是大恶人了。除此之外,现在也有部分历史文献表明游戏中现在所使用的数据是对的。我也有直接问过Storm这个问题,他说他没办法透露什么消息,所以我猜这事到现在一点眉目都没有。接着等吧。 [编辑:不详]