2015-02-13 22:25来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, another “Developer Time” show took place on the Wargaming radio (RU only), here’s a transcript. Today’s topic was “graphics”. Answering were two guys – one a video-making derpartment developer (derpveloper?) and the other guy is from the game engine derpartment and deals with graphics. 大家嚎,WG的电台上又搞了一期“开发团队时间”节目(毛服限定),以下为内容稿。今天的话题是“画面”。回答的人有两个—一个是视频制作部门的开发团队成员(算成员吗?)另一个是从游戏引擎部门来的和画面打交道的人。 - the derpartment of the graphics engine development consists of 15 people, but not all deal with the development directly. This is the “skeleton crew”. 图像引擎开发部门有15人,但是这些人不是全都和开发有关的,这只是“骨干成员”而已。 - at first, the developer video about how to improve FPS was 30 minute long, but they had to cut it down to 15 minutes (SS: the video can be found here along with some translations, it was never made in English) 一开始呢,关于如何增强帧数的那个视频有半小时长,但是他们后来把它砍到15分钟了(SS:视频在这里,有一丁点的翻译,从来没有英文版) - in the future (summer of 2015), WG is planning series of videos, the topic of which will be “how to improve your FPS” 未来(2015年的夏天),WG有计划要放出一系列的视频,这些视频的主题会是“如何增强你的帧数” - there will also be an independent video (not tied to WoT), where various aspects of your computer will be explained: how to optimize its running, how to set the graphics, how to clean it, how to update your drivers etc. 之后还会有一个单独的视频(和WOT没关系),其中会从不同角度对你的电脑进行解释:怎么优化,怎么设置画面,怎么清理,怎么升级驱动等等。 - the minimum GPU required for WoT is Nvidia GT6800 from 2004 想要跑的动WOT的最低GPU的配置是N卡的GT6800,2004年的古董 - with the CPU Intel Core 2 Duo or better processor, WoT should run fine CPU的话,英特尔的双核Duo或者是更好的处理器应该就能跑WOT了 - 30FPS is the lower border, below it the game is unplayable according to developers. Optimal FPS is 50. 30帧是底线了,开发团队表示低于这个帧数的话游戏就没法玩了。理想帧数则是50帧 - the things that affect the FPS the most are the 3D render resolution (most important), screen resolution, anti-aliasing, shadow quality, lighting quality, water quality 影响帧数的大头是3D渲染分辨率(最重要的一部分),屏幕的分辨率,抗锯齿,阴影质量, 光照质量和水面质量 - when buying a notebook for WoT, please pay attention not only to CPU (Core i3, Core i5), but also to the GPU 当买玩WOT用的笔记本的时候,不仅要注意CPU(是I3还是I5),同时也请关心一下GPU - on weak notebooks, set lower screen resolution, it will make it easier for GPU to work by an entire order 在很破的笔记本上,把屏幕的分辨率降低一点,这样能让GPU的日子好过很多 - a large percentage of players are still playing on old dualcore PC’s 很大一部分玩家依然还在旧的双核机上玩游戏 - to create separate setting presets for every GPU or GPU group would be too complicated 想要给每个GPU或者是GPU组都设立单独的视频预设还是太复杂了 - if you have an older computer, do not forget to clean it from dust, open it up and blow the dust away (vacuum clean it), it is really important 如果电脑很旧的话,记得清清灰,打开然后用吹风机吹吹,真的很重要 - the statement above applies even more for notebooks, it’s very important to clean them 上述手段同样适用于笔记本,清理很重要 - following GPU’s can be recommented for WoT – they are midrange and offer best price-to-power ratio: GeForce GTX 760, Radeon R7 265 and R7 260X 下列GPU是推荐拿来玩WOT的—中流显卡,而且性价比最好:GTX 760,R7 265以及R7 260X - especially notebooks HAVE to update GPU drivers, it’s completely possible that graphic artefacts in the game appear due to obsolete drivers 笔记本一定要去升级显卡驱动,因为显卡的驱动过于陈旧的话是有可能会影响游戏内画面的表现的 - putting cooling pads under older notebooks is a very good thing 在笔记本底下垫上散热垫是个很好的办法 - to keep FPS in WoT high, clean your computer every three months or so 想要让WOT保持高帧数的话,记得每三个月清理一下电脑 [编辑:不详]