坦克世界2月9日你问我答 9.7版本将更新法国线
- it’s quite likely that compared to the first version on supertest, the Mäuschen will be nerfed 相比较在超测服中的第一版,小老鼠很可能被砍。 - splitting patch 0.9.7 into with the French and other features and with HD models (to reduce the individual patch sizes) is not an option 把9.7的更新包分成两部分,9.7.0更新法国线而9.7.1更新HD模型(减小补丁的大小)的想法并不在考虑之内 the act alone of entering a battletogether with a friend by coordinating pressing the battle button by a countdown and pressing it at the same time is not against the game rules 和朋友同时按下进入战斗的按钮进入同一场战斗的行为本身并不违反游戏规则 - WG is allegedly capable of finding game riggers from ingame logs without having to see replays WG宣称他们不用看回放就能通过游戏内日志找到个人任务刷子 - Individual missions are fine, but they will be polished more in the future 独立任务现在还好,但是以后会进行进一步的改进 - Evilly states that if you encounter players rigging battles, you should write a support ticket (SS: on EU this is not working apparetly) Evilly表示如果你遇到了在刷分的玩家,你应该给客服写个投诉(SS:本条不适用于欧服) [编辑:不详]