
2月10日你问我答 10级高穿深炮计划削弱

  - Object 244 will not be a tank for free sale, but a special/event tank

  - 244工程不是你想买就能买,将会是个特种/奖励坦克

  - the landscape quality setting in WoT is the same for old and new render when it comes to geometry, with one exception – minimal settings. Minimal settings for old render reduce the landscape quality more than minimal settings on improved render

  - 关于坦克世界的地形质量,新旧渲染器在几何体上其实保持一致,除了最小的设定值不一样。旧版的最低配置降低了更多的地形质量

  - Japanese tanks as a whole are doing fine statistically

  - 从数据上看,日本车总的来说还不错

  - “wet ammo stowage” perk introduction (SS: VERY long time ago) was not a reaction and an attempt to fix too often ammo rack explosions in the game

  - 很早之前引入的“水套”并不是为了对付游戏里经常性的爆弹药

  - Q: “Why does adding new perks take so long?” A: “Because it takes long” (SS: yea…. no shit)

  - 为啥加个新技能要这么久啊?因为就是要这么久(SS:竟无言以对)

  - developers will carefully monitor the situation with arty after the 0.9.6 accuracy nerf


  - the camo factor of a vehicle is calculated based on its height

  -- 隐蔽系数是基于车辆的身高来的

  - Type 62 and Type 64 are doing fine statistically

  - 62和64式?统计数据上都不错

  - Q: “Were the developers considering an arty nerf before 9.6?” A: “We are always considering something, but it doesn’t always get implemented.”

  - 9.6之前,你们考虑过砍火炮吗?我们考虑的事多了去了,又不是每件事都执行了

  - Q: “There are trolls, provoking you into shooting them and then they thrive on compensations. What about them?” A: “Don’t shoot them.”

  - 总有队友在你面前挑事,让你给他一炮,然后他们拿着补偿走人,怎么破?

  - 别打他们呗

  - developers are considering the arty to be “sufficiently accurate”


  - introducing a special perk, that would increase your rate of fire would be risky from balance point of view, if the increase was significant


  - Q: “Why do subcaliber shells lose penetration over distance so much?” A: “Less weight = more energy loss per distance”

  - 为啥次口径蛋(apcr)在长距离上的穿深衰减如此严重?因为他们轻啊,单位距离上能量损失更多

  - the exact impact chances within the 10 zones of the aim circle for each sector (SS: “new accuracy” in 9.6) will not be disclosed

  - 关于9.6精度削弱,不会给出瞄准环内10个区域的精确变化的

  - Stalingrad map does not have a higher chance of dropping than other maps

  - 感觉斯大林格勒比其他图容易进的多啊?一派胡言,都是一样的概率

  - GW E-100 will not be switched for now

  - 目前不会替换大E炮

  - “Mauschen” is a real tank project, not a fake (SS: completely true)

  - 老鼠原型车是个真实的坦克项目,不是YY的(SS:确实是真的)

  - with the replacement of VK4502B by Mauschen, the gameplay of the vehicle will not change – it will still be a rear-turret heavily armored vehicle

  - 4502B变成老鼠原型车,玩法没变——依然是重甲后置炮塔的车

  - player opinions will not influence tank balancing decisions

  - 玩家意见不会影响平衡坦克的决定

  - when it comes to tank characteristics, some are not shown in the garage on purpose (SS: terrain resistance for example), others will be added (SS: depression)

  - 关于坦克的参数,有些是故意没在车库里显示的(SS:比如地形适应性),有些会在以后加上(SS:俯角)

  - the only changes to the garage at this point are dynamic tank parameters (that change with equipment/modules and crew skills) and improved tank selection filters

  - 车库里仅有的变化将是动态车库参数(当你配件/模块/成员技能不同时数据会跟着变)以及新版车辆选择过滤器

  - Storm confirms that the accuracy in 0.9.6 changed in ALL sectors of the aim circle, not just the center


  - regarding the 0.9.6 accuracy nerf, Storm states: “SPG’s don’t have to target miniturrets on the roof. And the “not-pinpoint accuracy” will change by only just a litte”

  - 还是关于9.6的精度削弱,storm说玩火炮不用瞄着头上的小炮塔来炸啊。还有“不精确度”的变化调整很小

  - AMX CDC has “worse camo than other vehicles”

  - AMC CDC的隐蔽比其他车差

  - Storm states that on maps that have low percentage of their space accessible to tanks (Hidden Village, Sacred Valley), the fact that you can only access small portion of the map is not a problem by itself, as long as they play well. Both of these maps have gameplay issues and it’s not due to the low percentage of accessible terrain.

  - 有几张地图的坦克能走到的地方比较少(迷雾小镇,神圣之谷),其实这些图表现的还不错,尽管还是有各种游戏性的问题,但显然不是能去的地方少所导致的

  - for now, WG has not changed their minds about not removing the platoon requirement from IM’s

  -- 目前为止,WG还不打算在个人任务中删去组队的要求

  - France will not have a full second branch of mediums, there aren’t enough vehicles

  -- 法国二线mt并不是一条完整的线,因为车凑不齐

  - Havok will not influence gameplay, it’s just a visual thing

  -- havok引擎对游戏性没影响,仅仅是一些视觉上的效果

  - new sounds will be implemented, as well as a new sound engine

  -- 会有新音效的,包括新的引擎声

  - the option of giving artillery class more XP and credits (specifically, as much as the vehicle would get if it did damage based on its own scouting and not someone elses under all circumstances) will be discussed

  -- 将会讨论是否会给火炮增加经验和银币收益(自点自打收益高,但火炮基本都是靠别人点亮然后打的,收益要分给别人)

  - this year will bring new features and content

  -- 今年会有新特性和新内容的

  - some spotting system changes will come this year

  -- 今年将会修改点亮系统的一部分

  - Storm states that credits/XP income stealth nerf conspiracy theories are incorrect – including various events, tanks are now making much more than they were 2-3 years ago

  -- 关于毛子又偷偷砍银币/经验收益的阴谋论都是一派胡言,算上各种各样的活动,现在的坦克打钱比2-3年前不知道高到哪里去了

  - some tier 10 high-pen guns will have their penetration nerfed, soon

  -- 近期锉刀的重点将会是10级的高穿深的炮(砍穿深)

  - Maus has the biggest percentage of bounced shells on its tier amongst the heavies

  -- 老鼠在10级ht里最能跳蛋

  - in the future, you will hear when your shell for example hits enemy gun for 0 damage, there will be special voiceover for such cases to make players understand better what’s going on

  - 未来,你打中敌人的炮管,没掉血,诸如此类情况,会出一个专门的语音告诉你咋回事

  - Storm doesn’t play IM’s – “I’m too lazy to do that”

  -- storm自己没有打个人任务——“我才懒得打呢”

  - WG is constantly working on optimization

  -- WG一直致力于优化工作

  - the punishment (fine) for damaging allies by your arty splash will not be removed, there would be trolls doing it intentionally

  -- 火炮溅射到自己人要被罚,这一点不会去掉的,不然会有人故意溅射队友

  - developers will experiment with fog of war in randoms

  -- 开发者们将会在随机战里测试战争迷雾

  - no tank was ever released into the game with the same parameters it had in first supertest round, not even once

  -- 没有坦克在正式登场时还保持着和一测一样的数据,一次都没有

  - the reason to switch VK4502B for Mauschen is the fact that it was too unhistorical

  -- 为啥要把4502B换成鼠原?因为它太不历史了

  - Storm agrees that one of the issues WG has is the fact that everything takes too long, but “this is not for public discussion”


  - increasing the map size by 1,5 to 2 times would lead to “suffering of slow and armored vehicles”

  -- 把地图扩大到1.5或者2倍将会是慢车/重甲车的噩梦

上一篇:新动态物理系统出现 有望三月开始测试 下一篇:VK4502B备胎鼠式原型太逆天 各数据遭削弱


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

