Hello everyone, 炮友们大家好 Wargaming announced the clan missions mechanism, as you probably noticed. What they didn’t announce (on EU anyway) are the rewards. Here are a few examples of unique camo, emblems and inscriptions, that are going to be the reward for this thingie. WG宣布了领土战的机制,你可能早就注意到了。但是他们没提到(反正至少欧服没有)奖励。这有些特殊涂装,标志和标语,这些玩意儿就是领土战的奖励 - unfortunately, according to historical documents, AMX-40 was classified as a light tank, not much WG can do about it 不幸的是,根据历史上的数据,AMX-40是被归类为LT的,WG对此也无能为力 - T71 started to fall behind in statistics a bit, it was decided to buff it a bit 从统计数据上看,T71的表现不尽如人意,因此开发者们决定将它稍微加强一下 - the statistics show that the light tanks do not fall behind a lot in XP and credit farming behind other classes 统计数据显示,LT在打钱和打经验的能力上并不逊色于其它类型的坦克 - RU251 will not be nerfed 不会削弱RU251 - it’s possible that when Havok gets introduced, some tanks will have to be rebalanced, but WG is hoping this won’t happen 当引入Havok以后,需要对一些坦克重新进行平衡,但是WG希望这不会发生 - AMX-40 is the most dull LT in the game AMX-40是游戏中最迟钝的坦克 - the most important role of the light tank is to spot LT在游戏中最重要的作用是点亮 - there is already a fun mode in development for April 1st, it’s not a “zombie” mode 正在为4月1日愚人节开发新的趣味模式,但是并不是传说的“僵尸”模式 - AMX-13/90 will not be buffed 不会加强AMX-13/90 - it’s not yet decided, how the AMX-13/57 will be released to players 现在尚未决定玩家能够以什么方式得到AMX-13/57 - T-50-2 was removed “for various reasons”. It was removed “at the peak of its fame”, today, it wouldn’t be that famous anymore. It will not return. T-50-2的移除出于多种原因,它在名声最响的时候被移除,而现在它不会像当时那么有人气了。这车是不会回归的 - tanks that move very fast suffer more from various engine bugs. More maximum speed than 80 km/h will not be implemented 运动速度极快的坦克经常遭受各种引擎的bug。不会添加更多极速大于80km/h的坦克 - T-54 “Light” is not suitable for a medium tank role (SS: earlier, this tank was considered for medium role instead at one point) 轻型T-54并不适合担当MT的角色(SS:早些时候这车是计划作为MT的) - TD/HT viewrange nerf is not a LT buff per se, it’s about returning the classes to their originally intended roles 削弱TD/HT的视野并不属于LT加强计划的一部分,这只是将不同级别的坦克还原其最初的用途 - it’s very difficult to find suitable hightier LT candidates – scouting on high tiers is the role of medium tanks, there will not be a LT10 很难找到合适放在高级的LT---在高级房点亮一职通常是由MT来担任,所以说不会有10级LT - 9.6 changes are not the last changes to the LT class 9.6对于LT的改动并不是最终的 - AMX 12t is fine statistically, many players play it AMX-12t从数据上看表现不错,有很大部分玩家玩 - if you scout and spot with the LT, you will maximize your profits – complaints about LT XP/credit income are pointless 如果你能够正确的使用LT点亮、侦察,那你的收益就会得到最大化。关于LT经验/银币收益不足的抱怨完全是不着调的 - winrate in WoT statistics acts as a sort of “summary number” – there is no clear method how to determine whether a tank is OP or not WOT统计数据中的胜率作用是“总结性数据”---但是关于怎么判定一个坦克是否OP的办法还不清楚 - currently, LT’s are fine, MT’s do not surpass them totally 目前,LT的表现不错,MT并没有盖过他们的风头 - the gameplay became more dynamic with the introduction of new light tanks 引入了新LT后的游戏玩法变得更为 - LT stabilization parameters (accuracy on the move) are fine LT火炮稳定的参数(移动中射击精度)还不错 - the derpartment of the graphics engine development consists of 15 people, but not all deal with the development directly. This is the “skeleton crew” 新运动引擎的小组由15人组成,但是并不是所有成员都与开发工作有关,正所谓“尸位素餐” - in the future (summer of 2015), WG is planning series of videos, the topic of which will be “how to improve your FPS” 未来(2015年夏),WG计划推出一系列主题为“如何增加你的FPS”的视频 - the minimum GPU required for WoT is Nvidia GT6800 from 2004 能够达到WOT最低配置要求的显卡是2004年的Nvidia GT6800 - with the CPU Intel Core 2 Duo or better processor, WoT should run fine 当处理器在Intel Core 2 Duo及以上时,就能很好的运行WOT了 - 30FPS is the lower border, below it the game is unplayable according to developers. Optimal FPS is 50. 30是能够玩WOT的FPS最低值,开发者说低于这个值游戏就没法玩了,较为理想的帧数是50 - the things that affect the FPS the most are the 3D render resolution (most important), screen resolution, anti-aliasing, shadow quality, lighting quality, water quality 最影响FPS的因素是3D渲染分辨率(最关键),屏幕分辨率,抗锯齿,阴影质量,光照质量,水纹质量 - on weak notebooks, set lower screen resolution, it will make it easier for GPU to work by an entire order 要在配置较差的笔记本上玩WOT,把屏幕分辨率调低,这能够使得显卡运行的负担更轻 - a large percentage of players are still playing on old dualcore PC’s 很大一部分玩家还在用老旧的双核电脑 - to create separate setting presets for every GPU or GPU group would be too complicated 为每一组用特定CPU/GPU玩家都设定一个专门的配置是很复杂的事情 - if you have an older computer, do not forget to clean it from dust, open it up and blow the dust away (vacuum clean it), it is really important. - the statement above applies even more for notebooks, it’s very important to clean them 如果你有一台老旧的电脑,不要忘了除尘(打开后盖,真空除尘),这是很重要的这一点对于笔记本尤为重要 - following GPU’s can be recommented for WoT – they are midrange and offer best price-to-power ratio: GeForce GTX 760, Radeon R7 265 and R7 260X 下列为运行WOT的推荐显卡(中端显卡,性价比最高):GeForce GTX760,Radeon R7 265和R7 260X - especially notebooks HAVE to update GPU drivers, it’s completely possible that graphic artefacts in the game appear due to obsolete drivers - putting cooling pads under older notebooks is a very good thing 在笔记本下放散热板是一个不错的方法 - to keep FPS in WoT high, clean your computer every three months or so 为了让你的电脑在运行WOT时帧数维持在一个较为理想的水平上,每隔3个月就要清理一下电脑 [编辑:不详]