
2月27日你问我答 新物理引擎测试明天开始

  - First: Storm confirmed that physics test will come tomorrow.

  - Storm确认,物理引擎测试明天开始

  - turret armor of IS-6 in the game is historical (won’t be buffed)

  - 游戏里-6的炮塔装甲是符合历史的(不会buff)

  - Jagdtiger 88 armor will most likely not be changed much during its rework to HD (SS: the unhistorical LFP will stay)

  - 高清化猎虎88的时候,它的装甲应该不会大改(SS:也就是说不历史的首上会保留)

  - post-mortem camera (specifically which friendly tank you will view next) apparently works as intended

  - 死后的视角(特别是切换友军的顺序)工作正常

  - Storm is not sure whether the platoon spectator mode was postponed again

  - storm不确定是否让组队观察者模式的卫星再飞一会

  - Storm statest that T95 was NOT nerfed in HD (specifically the hatch weakspot size, clearance remained the same as well)

  - T95高清的时候没有被砍(弱点大小没变)

  - physics test client will be based on 9.2 version, eg. some maps will be old (pre-changes) and only those HD vehicles, that were available in version 9.2 will be on the test

  - 测试物理引擎的客户端是9.2版,也就是说,有些地图是老图,高清坦克数量也就是9.2那个时候的

  - Storm states that something like weather will come, but developers have to be really careful in implementing such stuff

  - storm确认,诸如天气之类的将会引入游戏,但是开发者现在对此还非常谨慎

  - in new physics, the handbrake is mapped to the “spacebar” key. If you have something else mapped there (like fire extinguisher), you’ll have to remap one or another

  - 新物理引擎中,手刹被安排在了空格上。如果你已经占用了空格,那么你需要重新调整

  - new motion physics will come neither in 9.7 nor in 9.8 – this is just a test for feedback collection, after the test it will be decided what comes next

  - 新的物理引擎不会在9.7或者9.8出,现在还是测试阶段,收集大家的反馈意见,然后再做下一步的决定

  - new motion physics (NMP) does NOT mean that the suspension of SD tank models will suddenly start behaving like HD one (independent suspension)

  - 新物理引擎并不意味着标清坦克的悬挂模型会像高清那样(独立悬挂)

  - historical Porsche type transmission will not be implemented for now

  - 目前不会有历史上的保时捷型传动(变速箱)

  - Havok will come only after very long time (SS: definitely not anytime soon, “long KTTS” usually means around a year)

  - Havok的卫星还要飞很久很久(SS:没错,至少一年)

  - NMP has no influence on client performance, it is calculated server-side

  - 新物理引擎不会影响客户端的表现,是在服务器端运算的

  - when you get tipped on your roof, you will get the same countdown as when drowning, if you don’t manage to get back on your tracks within the time limit, you will explode

  - 当你翻车的时候,你会像溺水那样有个倒计时指示,如果在时间结束前你没有成功翻身,那么就会瞬间爆炸完成自杀

  - NMP does not mean net the traffic will increase

  - 新物理引擎不会增加网络通讯量

  - rails (the railway irons) will not become physical objects. This would significantly increase how complex the collision model is and it would lead to server performance drop

  - 不会把铁轨做成物理模型的,如果把这些都做出来的话,碰撞模型将会变的非常复杂,服务器会吃不消的

  - the point of the physics test is to find out how good the NMP gameplay is

  - 测试物理引擎主要是测试它的游戏性好不好

  - some players are very angry about the content left out from 9.7 due to e-sports. Storm doesn’t consider it that big of a deal.

  - 因为电竞的影响,有些内容在9.7被推迟/忽略,这让一些玩家大为光火。Storm表示不要紧随他们去

  - Q: “War Thunder has tanks that smear themselves with “brown substance”” A: “If it’s interesting for them, let them smear themselves with it.”

  - 隔壁战雷都能做出坦克被污泥弄脏的效果!蛤,有趣,让他们弄去呗

  - tanks getting dirty from mud in WoT apparently won’t come anytime soon, as there are many other issues with WoT to be solved first


上一篇:开发团队问答:游戏内举报系统以及惩罚 下一篇:坦克世界超测服:9.7版本或只增5个高清坦克


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

