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发表时间:2013-10-17 作者:qq731440558 编辑:nak 来源:网络
too many shots damaging the engine on A-44? “Don’t play A-44〃 A-44发动姬太容易坏?别玩A-44! apparently, AMX 50/100 was not changed to have its turret weaker (SS: a player is complaining about too many crits) 50100的炮塔并没有被改弱(有人抱怨50100总是被爆高伤). the statistic of each player’s tanks currently in hangar won’t be disclosed 当前玩家车库里车辆的数据不会被公布 in new player statistics, draws count as losses, because “a draw is a loss – the goal of the game was not completed” and “well, we don’t encourage camping” 新的玩家数据统计中,平局算输,因为“目的没有达成”,还有“我们不鼓励蹲坑" SerB states that if the situation when a killed crewmember doesn’t disable BIA is indeed so, it’s a bug (SS: as in, it is intended for BIA to stop working when one crewmember is killed), SerB is currently discussing this issue with Storm, states that BIA is a “must-have” perk possibly because of this bug. Furthermore, SerB comments on BIA thus: “It’s logical. Crew, that is close to each other and has everything trained to the point of being automatic loses one person – and all the trained procedures are gone. That’s how it was intended. But, as you can see, someone succumbed to whining and as a result, BIA became imbalanced. So much for ‘listen more to players’, yea…” SerB表示,当死了乘员以后基友连技能仍然生效是个bug(也就是说,有乘员死掉以后,基友连理应是不工作的)。SerB目前正在和Storm探讨此事,他表示这是乘员搞基风行的主要原因。对此,SerB还做了一番解释:“这很符合逻辑。乘员们在一起紧密工作,他们平时的训练也都是在所有人齐备的情况下展开的。而一旦有人死了,一切都乱套了,也就失去了所有的训练效果。这是我们设计这一技能时的本意。但是呢,如你所见,如果我们这么一改,又会有玩家开始抱怨吐槽了,于是基友连就只能这么不平衡了。所以么,去他的‘倾听玩家的意见’吧”。 top tier arty too weak? “Don’t have top-tier arty in your garage” 顶级火炮太次?别玩火炮。 apparently, tanks shouldn’t be able to catch fire from arty splash 火炮溅射不会令车辆起火。 the amount of aim spread after a shot (how much bigger is the aim circle made after a shot) does not depend on gun or caliber, but on a tank, theoretically it’s possible for a 90mm gun to have bigger aim spread after shot than a 122mm gun 射击之后的扩圈与口径无关,理论上,90炮的扩圈可以比122还大。 - a player asked about SerB’s statement that we should learn from the Chinese and their attitude to Kuomintang, whether he means the reaction on Stalin in Europe. Instead, a “global moderator” employee replied that Stalin and Red Army weren’t subjected to war crime tribunal, unlike nazis 有个人向SB问道他说的关于我们能从天朝人里看出他们对国民党的态度,是不是与欧服斯大林事件有关联。一个超级版主回复道,斯大林和红军并没有因为发动战争而受到制裁,和纳粹差远了~ SerB: “Wittman’s medal was removed after an official request of German authorities. If they request the removal of Rudel’s medal in WoWp, it will be removed too.” SerB说,德国当局的请求下,惠特曼勋章被移除。如果他们要求干掉战机世界的鲁德尔勋章的话,WG也会这么做的。 there won’t be missions with gold rewards it seems: “our content is available even without having to spend gold” 貌似不会有送金币的任务,SB回应说,我们的游戏不用金币也能应付的过来。