
1018你问我答 技能和特长可能会大修正

2013-10-18 11:28来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载分页|全文

Apparently, I was a bit too fast with the 2nd test announcement, it will probably be up tomorrow. Looks like 8.9 doesn’t run on schedule. There is a date when it comes out, but I won’t announce it for now, as there is a high probability it will be changed and I don’t want to see tons of OMGUWEREWRONG posts again.


Also, check this out: Armchair General magazine made an interview with The_Chieftain, pretty interesting stuff (*wink* check last two answers *wink*)

如果大家有兴趣的话,去看看摇椅将军杂志给The_Chieftain做的采访,链接如上,很有意思的玩意(特别注意最后两个问题的答案*星星眼*) (摇椅将军杂志——一本军事历史类的杂志,双月刊,发行于美国,在2005年被芝加哥论坛报选为‘50本最好的杂志‘的第25名——译注)。

If you are interested in mobile gameplay, Overlord asks for your opinions for WoT:Blitz


- Q: “Will there be an automatic platoonmember search (SS: like in 7/42) for platoons, based on rating too?” A: “I am not for rating, but for winrate”


- Q: “Can I hope for more premium medium tanks in 0.9.0 or 0.9.1, since the Chinese lately got one?” A: “You can hope, but we don’t guarantee the result and we won’t tell in advance”

问:“鉴于中国最近有了一个新的金币中坦,我能不能期待9.0和9.1会有更多的金币中坦” 答:“期待去吧,但是我们并不敢保证结果如何,而且我们也不会提前告诉你们会有什么车的”。

- according to SerB, there is a huge imbalance in the game when it comes to perks (SS: specifically BIA), apparently the fact that the BIA nerf could seriously damage KV-5 (SS: radioman dies often) is not a factor


- developers will decide, whether to disable Sixth Sense when the commander dies (SS: apparently, currently the perk works even with the commander dead), there are also “questions” when it comes to repair, camouflage and firefighting skill, everything will be checked “as a whole”


- it’s possible that if there is a big revision of all skills and perks, a free skill/perk reset will come with it


- SerB states that a tank popularity only counts as a secondary indicator in balancing, primary is the winrate


- for now, the developers will not release any new info on Chinese tank destroyers, but there was a SU-122-54 analogue developed in China


- T28 will most likely not become an optional hull for the T95 TD (“if we did that from the start with optional hulls, it would probably be like that, but now I really doubt it”)


- there are no plans to allow two or three consumables of the same type on tank (repair kit + gold repair kit don’t count)


- SerB on WoT development priorities: “First is always the fixing of critical bugs. At this moment, it is followed by improved graphics along with client optimization and then it’s new game modes.”


- it’s possible ZIS-30, M56 Scorpion and ASU-57 will appear in the game


(慢慢来啊:……ZIS-30:基于苏联 [共青团号(Komsomolyets)] 牵引车,安装了一杆57mm ZiS-2炮所制成的一辆“自行反坦克炮”)(注:此炮可在游戏内的SU-76以及SU-85B上找到)

(M56 “蝎子”:基于M42防空车底盘制成,上面装了一杆90mm M54炮,外加一层防爆屏障所制成的可由直升姬运输/空投的“自行反坦克炮”,曾在越战中被美军的173空降旅所使用,后来则被M551 谢里登轻型坦克所取代,因为至少有个炮塔。M56的真实极速为45km/h)

(ASU-57:苏联在二战后为伞兵所发展的超轻型火炮,又称572工程。采用了一杆 57mm Ch-51炮,为上述ZIS-30所用的ZiS-2炮的延伸型。无炮塔,敞篷车。正面装甲6mm,后方4mm厚,车身由铝合金制造。在1962年由于各种原因而被废弃不用,库宾卡博物馆依然保有一辆此坦克。)


上一篇:1017你问我答 或许增加个人评级排行榜 下一篇:从四个方面分析 各系坦克火炮特点浅谈


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

