坦克世界9月24日你问我答 KV1S成员将转至KV85
2014-09-26 23:33来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Some Russian players claim that WG fucked the patch up and included the HD textures in the “non-HD” patch anyway, Storm replied that he would investigate this. 有些毛子说,WG这回彻底把这次更新搞砸了,把高清材质扔进了非高清的更新里里。storm说他会去调查的。 why does LTTB have bad depression? “Because it was like that in real life” (SS: funny, because LTTB turret was NEVER designed in real life, it’s a Wargaming invention – Yurko2F stronk!) LTTB为毛俯角这么辣鸡?“因为现实就是这样”(SS:逗,LTTB的炮塔现实中压根就没有过,WG自己捏造的) when balancing vehicles, DPM is calculated based on (rate of fire * average damage) with the “specific situation of high alpha guns” in mind. In any case, it depends on balancing. 平衡车辆的时候,DPM计算是基于(射速*平均伤害),包括“特别的一发入孕的炮”也这么算。总之,还是看怎么总体平衡。 it’s “possible” that company mode will be completely removed 有*可能*彻底移除联队 T-54 Light being better than tier 8 medium tanks? “Don’t forget the scout MM spread” 54LT比同级中坦更厉害?“别忘了这货的轻坦分房” the percentage of hitpoints you lose during an engine/fuel fire, unless you extinguished, is not constant for all tanks – for each tank, it depends on the nation, class and individual characteristics 被别人抽着之后掉血所占的百分比,除非你灭火了,否则对所有车这个数值都是不一样的,具体到每辆车,取决于国别,车辆类型还有车辆独有的特性 apparently, the “realistic tracks movement” made it into 9.3 – these will work with HD models and will be present even if you do not download the HD texture pack 显然,9.3加入的真实履带移动只有上了高清模型才会管用,不下高清材质包也会存在 there is apparently also a bug in 9.3 where the clan logo does not display correctly in the hangar 确实9.3有一个bug,说的是车库里军团图标显示不正常 according to Storm, T-34-3 will not be seriously buffed storm说T-34-3不会狠狠的给你加强的 special SD client? “Enable low graphic quality settings” 单独的标清客户端?“小霸王就滚去开低特效去!” for the remaining vehicles, the engine/transmission split will happen “in upcoming patches” 余下的车辆的引擎/传动分离会在接下来的版本里出来 - the 9.2 KV-1S crew will be retrained automatically to KV-85 (apart from the radioman) 9.2里KV1S的成员会自动重训练为KV85的(除了通讯兵) [编辑:不详]