
WG雇佣全新团队 战机世界将彻底重制

  - apparently, bots advertising scam sites (powerlevelling, “cheap gold”) have become a nuisance, especially on lower tiers

  - 游戏里乱发广告(“金币便宜卖了啊”)的行为非常非常的有害,特别是对低级房心智不全的小朋友们来说

  - on WG NA server, there is currently an issue with lowtier battles (tier 1-2), not enough players are playing them and the matchmaker has issues dealing with it. This is caused apparently by the fact that there have been few new players recently and you also get usually 1-3 spammer bots per battle (see above).

  - 美服现在有个问题,1-2级房玩的人实在是太少。因为新玩家不多,而且总有挂机发广告的

  Lower tiers are not interested for old players (veterans) according to Wargaming because of the poor reputation the veteran players have, if they play low tiers due to the “rating system” (SS: apparently, WN8 is meant), because they get called “pedobears”, “sealclubbers” and such – and so, it is actually a shame for an experienced player to play on low tiers even though they are actually fun.


  - new premium tanks (some planned Soviet heavy, no details)

  - 新金币车(游戏苏联ht的计划,细节未透露)

  - new branches (French minibranch, Japanese branch, Chinese artillery)

  - 新线(法国mt,日本二线,中国火炮线)

  - new trees (Czechoslovak tree). Devs also want some Brazilian vehicle (unclear which) as a premium tank in the US tree

  - 新国家线(捷克斯洛伐克),开发者们还想在美国线上加一些巴西坦克(不知道说的那个),作为金币车出现

  - World of Warplanes total overhaul, WG apparently hired a brand new team to completely change the game and bring it from the dead

  - 战机世界将会大改,WG雇佣了一个新的团队,彻底重做,让他起死回生

  - World of Warships (the content of this topic is unknown)

  - 战舰世界(内容还不知道)

  - World of Tanks for Xbox (some graphic overhauls, not sure)

  - XBOX版坦克世界(一些视觉上的修改,不确定)

  And one more thing. The situation with the Super Pershing is unclear, but IF it got really nerfed (something about the frontal armor plates being strange), it is not intentional and will be fixed.


上一篇:坦克世界超测服:9.7版本或只增5个高清坦克 下一篇:新物理引擎测试:移动中的操控性提升


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

