

2015-03-03 23:51来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载

  Hello everyone,


  Storm wrote a post about the new physics test which will start soon (according to some leakers, even today at 6PM CET, but that’s unfoncirmed). The new motion physics system (MPS) will have following characteristics and changes:




  - the new MPS will allow you to pass small terrain obstacles (rails, small stones etc.) without loss of speed

  - 新物理引擎下,你可以不掉速的通过一些小物件(铁轨,小石头)

  - with both tracks stable on the ground while going with sufficient speed, the vehicle will be able to jump (cross) over various obstacles such as ditches, trenches etc.

  - 两个履带都抓在地面上的时候,加上足够快的速度,坦克就能越过战壕,沟之类的地形

  - when braking sharply, you will get a “bonus” to gun depression due to the way the suspension interacts with the hull (the entire vehicle will shift forwards)

  - 急刹车的时候,炮可以压到超过俯角的程度,这是悬挂的功劳

  Improvement of tank handling when moving


  - turning became smoother

  - 转弯更平滑

  - you now have more control over the turning radius, it’s easier to reach the desired turning speed

  - 转弯半径更好控制,更容易达到想要的转弯速度

  New maneuvers and using the handbrake


  - when activating the handbrake at higher speeds, it will lead to sharp change in vehicle trajectory (“handbrake turn” or “police turn”)

  - 高速时开启手刹,将会大幅度改变车辆的行进路线(手刹过弯)

  - doing the same thing when turning backwards will significantly increase the speed, with which you turn

  - 用手刹提高倒车转弯的速度

  - it’s possible to easier handle the turning radius using the handbrake

  - 更好控制转弯半径

  Tank interaction during collision


  - you can now tip the enemy tank on its roof if the conditions are met (weight difference, power etc.)

  - 当条件足够时候,你可以撞翻敌人(底朝天)

  - it’s possible to make tank fall on its roof by pushing it off a ledge, bridge etc.

  - 掉下悬崖/桥的时候也可能底朝天了

  Interaction with surfaces


  - the surfaces now have more influence on tank movement

  - 地形会对坦克的运动产生更多的影响了

  - new graphic effects of “track slipping” (when grip is lost, the tracks will “slip”, rotating while the vehicle remains on the spot)

  - 新的打滑效果(失去抓地力的时候,履带会“打滑”)

  Other changes


  - the tank mass can now be “felt” more

  - 坦克看起来会更“厚重”

  - it’s now possible to climb to some places where you couldn’t before (visual objects)

  - 可以爬到一些之前去不了的地方了

上一篇:WG雇佣全新团队 战机世界将彻底重制 下一篇:超测服新车亮相 IS-2和ISU-122S参数曝光


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

