
英国二战情报 日本97式Chi-Ha历史揭秘

2015-03-03 23:51来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载

  Okay, here’s a MUST see for historyfans: Listy found in archives (amongst other things) accounts about Japanesetanks. Go check it out!


  A couple of weeks ago I was flicking through anArchive here in the UK. I was mostly after light tank related information. Ithen saw a file simply called "light tanks". So a file in a UKarchive titled "light tanks"... want to guess what it held? Well itdid have a few pages on Japanese light tanks, but it was mostly a filebuilt up by MI10 (the intelligence department for foreign equipment) during thewar about what we now know as the Type 97 Chi-Ha.


  Inside it gave an interesting look at what anIntelligence Officer has to work with to produce a viable assessment. Includinginformation from a Japanese POW. Now I don't know if this POW, or the laterone, was deliberately providing false information, or if they genuinelybelieved what they were saying.


  The first POW was a Lieutenant in the 1stIndependent Mixed Regiment on Saipan, he was captured in July 1944. Howeverhalf his interrogation file seems to be missing, and only the bits relating tothe tank survive. He stated that the Type 97 Chi-Ha had 15 mm of armour and atwelve cylinder diesel engine. His unit had trained on them in August 1941.


  Equally he claimed all tanks had radio's, air conditioning and twin 47mmguns, with one mounted in the standard turret and another in the hull. He alsoclaimed that they could fit 30 ammunition boxes in the tank, each box being 2feet long, 1 foot tall and 1.5 feet wide.


  Finally and most bizarrely he claimed as wellas one drive wheel at the front, it had two smaller drive wheels at the back,both 14 inches across. The intelligence officer indicates that this mightsignify an earlier model.


  The POW also gave a rundown of crew numbers.Three men for this particular medium tank, two for a light tank and an unknownnumber for a heavy tank.


  "Heavy tanks?" I thought, so more searchingensued, and another POW report was found.


  This one is from a private captured in theManus Islands. He was wounded and sought help from natives. Unsurprisingly theypromised to help and simply turned him over to the US forces some time aroundthe 6th of August 1944. In civilian life he'd been a foreman at the Hitachi'sforging plant at Kameari, where he'd been working up until at least November1943. Whilst there he'd seen several of Japan's heavy tanks; the Type 97.


  Then this story takes a bizarre turn. In one ofthe files I was reading there was a page of French. When translated it wasfurther stats for the Type 97 Heavy Tank. In a final odd twist some originalcaptured Japanese documents appear, again detailing the Type 97, with planswhich look somewhat like the above sketch.


  Further searching finds even more of what appearto be original Japanese plans for several models of heavy tanks.


  Finally, I'll leave you with a report that is abit of a mystery. What were the Japanese firing? Any of you want to take aswing at it?



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