2月28日你问我答 丘吉尔GC计划将增强
Hello everyone, 各位好 the Insider iscurrently present at an interesting Wargaming meeting, here’s a bunch of stuffthat was mentioned during the meeting: 在WG的会议上,有很多有趣的东西被提到。 - a new premiumspecial edition Soviet IS-6 “Fearless” will be introduced, basically it’s justIS-6 with different camo, it’s possible this is an Xbox-only vehicle 将会加入一个新的金币车---is-6“无畏”基本上就是-6换个不同的涂装,这车可能只有Xbox玩家独有。 - there will anew Soviet premium heavy tank with full MM and (apparently) BL-9, that willeventually replace the IS-6 in store. It will be modelled “before 2016〃 将会有一个新的苏联重坦,没有分房保护但是配基佬9。这车将会替代商店里的IS-6。模型应该在2016年前做好。 - new fun modeis coming, which includes a new vehicle named “M24 Lunar Chaffee”. It’sapparently a special event, which makes you fight on a “special lunar landingzone” with 1/6th of the regular game physics (gravity). Vehicles alsohave their characteristics buffed to increase their durability from free-falls.There will also be objectives within the mission to complete, not just combat.This event was actually created from the bugs where you see tanks beinglaunched to the moon (FT-17 “Lunar Program”, ELC to the moon, etc). It’s beingdecided whether this mode will appear on Xbox as well as PC. 新的娱乐模式即将推出,其中的一辆车叫做M24月亮霞飞。这很明显就是个娱乐模式,就是在一个“特殊的登月基地”上以1/6的游戏内引力的条件下战斗。车辆的属性也有所加强,以保证不会一个自由落体就摔成零件。当然除了战斗,还有一些任务目标是可以完成的。这个活动其实就是由坦克“登月”的bug里想到的(FT-17登月计划,ELC登月计划,之类的)。插盒子和PC端的游戏都会推出这个模式的。 - Polish T-34/85“Rudy” looks nice, it’s just a regular T-34/85 with 85mm gun and full MM, withthe “Rudy” decals (that are already obtainable currently in Soviet tree) and extratidbits. The price will be almost the same as the one of SchmalturmPanzer IV 波兰的T-34/85“鲁迪(Rudy)”看着还不错,其实就是普通的T-34/85,没分房保护,有“Rudy”的标志(而且苏联科技树里还有这个贴花)以及其他一点贴花。价格跟IV号炮塔升级型差不多。 - new US tier 7premium TD (Scorpion) will have full MM and its camo will be roughly on parwith E-25, it will be reduced a lot when it fires (to 0?), but it’s also extrelynimble and agile despite low engine horsepower (almost as nimble asELC). Might appear in 9.7 “if all goes well” – if not, 9.8 新的美帝7级金币td(蝎氏)没有分房保护,隐蔽大致和e25一样,但是开火隐蔽惩罚很大(隐蔽降至0?)机动相当不错虽然引擎马力不够(比较像ELC)。如果一切运行良好,大约在9.7的时候发售。如果有问题,推迟到9.8。 - small buff is planned for Churchill GC 丘吉尔GC计划有个小的增强。 - developers areworking on the improved motion physics, basically there’s a lot of feedback,they are looking for problematic areas, that cause wonky movement. There willapparently be many updates and corrections within a few days. Heavy tankintertia will be reduced. 开发者正在忙着搞改进的移动物理引擎,基本上来说已经得到很多反馈,他们正在寻找那些照成可能会导致坦克的移动变得摇晃的问题。接下来几天估计会有不少更新和改进。重坦的惯性将会减小。 - “Our physicsare projected correctly, currently, light tanks can slide and use their inertiawithout going like ice-skating, mediums can slide and be much more dynamic andheavies can do the crab” (when they refer a crab is when a slope is so steepthat the tank starts to slide down backwards or sideways, thus causing the tankto flip, this happened quite a few times during the Italian campaign in 1944where Churchills had to go trough very steep areas, and sometimes, the tankwould start to slide, if not stopped in time, it would cause the tank to flip,often with fatal consequences) 我们的物理引擎是合理的,现在,轻型坦克可以漂移和使用他们的惯性来移动同时看着不像在溜冰,中坦也可以飘移而且更加有动感,重坦可以像螃蟹一样了(意思是说,当有个坡很陡,然后坦克直接滑下来的时候或者侧滑,这时候可能会翻车。这种情况在1944年意大利战役的时候发生过几次,当丘吉尔必须爬上很陡的区域的时候,坦克有时候会打滑,如果不能及时控制住的话,坦克就会翻倒,导致很严重的后果) - developerswould like to (at one point, not anytime soon, it’s just an idea) research thehistorical capability of tanks of crossing slopes and trenches and implementit, as in Churchill for example being famous for being able to climb majorobstacles, but Maus – not so much 开发者正在考虑(就是某天突然想到的,不一定立马就干,只是个想法而已)去调查历史上坦克通过斜坡和战壕的能力并且将其实施在游戏里,比如丘吉尔对于障碍物的通过能力就很强,鼠爷嘛-也就那样吧 - the fate ofterrible EU support service will be discussed tonight, there seems to be the air of anticipation from some developers, as they gladly apply for all nightshift to witness it To be continued…:) 今天晚上将讨论糟糕的欧服服务的命运,有些开发人员表示他们很乐意全程直播。 Russian server and EU server have thisweekend a special offer – conversion of free XP to crew XP (yes, for free, youalready paid for the free XP once – 1 free XP = 5 crew XP). For EU, you canread about it here. 俄服和欧服这周末有个特殊活动,公共经验以1:5的比例兑换成员经验。 Storm also reports that the physics test is going “really well”.There is an effect in the test that they call “gear shifting” (basically, thetanks slows down as if you were shifting gears), this is actually a bug andwill be fixed (maybe even in the current test). Another bug is the strong dropof mobility in some vehicles (T-62A, AMX-50/100 and others), will be alsofixed. Storm还表示数据显示新的物理引擎运行“相当不错”。在测试中有个效果叫叫做“换挡”(基本就是坦克会慢下来如同你在换挡),这其实是个bug,会被修复(甚至可能马上就会被修复)。另外一个bug是有些坦克的引擎瞬间掉马力,比如62A,50100和其他一些)这些bug将会被修复。 - according to Storm, 9.7 HD Superpershing is not gettingnerfed, it will definitely not be possible to sell it for gold 根据Storm的说法,9.7HD里头的超潘不会被削弱,有一点很清楚,卖了超潘不会换回金币。 - there are no plans to remove unhistorical M62 gun from IS-4 没有计划移除-4那门不历史的m62炮。 - for now it was not decided yet whether the fact that VK4502Bwill only have one loader while the Mauschen will have two will be compensatedsomehow (SS: for example by a “free” multi-skill loader) 现在还没有决定VK4502B被替换成耗子原型后多要的一个装填手该如何补偿。(SS:比如:多“免费”技能的装填手) - for now, there are no plans to introduce the Panther with GTturbine into the game, Storm is trying to prune the plans of “such nonsense” 目前,没有计划加入有燃气涡轮的黑豹,Storm认为那计划完全是扯淡。 - the first round of physics test will take three days 第一轮物理测试大概会持续3天。 - motion physics do not depend on reworking allvehicles to HD 移动物理引擎的效果跟是否是HD重制的坦克没关系。 - Storm doesn’t know whether HD Superpershingwill “lean” on its frontal wheels to simulate the frontal part beingoverstressed by additional armor Storm并不知道HD的超级潘兴模型会不会模拟有那种因为前部加装了很多附加装甲二导致车体向前倾斜的效果。 - in new motion physics, the ground resistanceparameter will no longer be used. Instead, they will introduce a “traction”(ground contact) modifier with various grounds having different passability.Basically, the current tank terrain passability will remain atthe same level. 在新的物理引擎里,地面的阻力系数(履带适应性)参数不再使用。作为替换的则是在多样的地形上有不同的“牵引(地面接触)系数”。反正基本上,改过之后和现在的坦克的地形通过力基本保持不变 - developers will not introduce damage fromcrashing into environmental objects 开发者表示不打算引入环境对车辆损害机制,即坦克撞石头不会掉血。(我想到了什么) - the current test represents “realistic”physics variant. There was a simplified physics variant prepared as well(second server), but it turned out to be bugged 现在的测试展现的是“现实的”物理数据。本来还有一个简化版的物理数据而且也准备好了(另一个服务器上),但是bug很多就放弃了。 - even in new motion physics, there will beseveral points deciding the movement on the tank (SS: under roadwheels), the entire track surface will not become a contact area 就算是全新的物理引擎,还是有几个点决定了坦克的移动能力(在负重轮的下面),而非整条履带作为一个接触面来考虑。 - all the physics developers, in order toprepare for new physics, were given (paid by WG) an actual T-72 to drive, sothey do it well 为了让物理引擎运行的更接近现实,wg搞了台T-72给开发员进行模拟。 - it’s possible that STB-1 will have its hydraulicsuspension implemented at one point STB1在某一天可能会有液压悬挂。 - multiple physics (dynamics) variants will betested 多种物理(动态)数据将会进行测试 - shell “mass” (effect of shells on tanktrajectory) will not be implemented 炮弹“质量”(炮弹击中运动中的坦克的效果)不会做出来。 - the independent suspension is tied neither tomobility physics, nor to Havok, it’s basically a render thing, it doesn’t work on “old” render 独立悬挂跟移动物力引擎和Havok没关系,独立悬挂只是一种表面现象,告诉你这个悬挂看上去和“老”的不一样。 - it’s not clear yet, whether the improvedterrain passability from physics test (the ability to get the tanks to strangeplaces) will come to live server 尚不清楚是否改进后的地形通过能力(坦克从此变蜘蛛侠能爬山了)会实装到正式服上。 [编辑:不详]