
2月28日你问我答 丘吉尔GC计划将增强

2015-03-03 23:51来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载

  Hello everyone,


  the Insider iscurrently present at an interesting Wargaming meeting, here’s a bunch of stuffthat was mentioned during the meeting:


  - a new premiumspecial edition Soviet IS-6 “Fearless” will be introduced, basically it’s justIS-6 with different camo, it’s possible this is an Xbox-only vehicle


  - there will anew Soviet premium heavy tank with full MM and (apparently) BL-9, that willeventually replace the IS-6 in store. It will be modelled “before 2016〃


  - new fun modeis coming, which includes a new vehicle named “M24 Lunar Chaffee”. It’sapparently a special event, which makes you fight on a “special lunar landingzone” with 1/6th of the regular game physics (gravity). Vehicles alsohave their characteristics buffed to increase their durability from free-falls.There will also be objectives within the mission to complete, not just combat.This event was actually created from the bugs where you see tanks beinglaunched to the moon (FT-17 “Lunar Program”, ELC to the moon, etc). It’s beingdecided whether this mode will appear on Xbox as well as PC.


  - Polish T-34/85“Rudy” looks nice, it’s just a regular T-34/85 with 85mm gun and full MM, withthe “Rudy” decals (that are already obtainable currently in Soviet tree) and extratidbits. The price will be almost the same as the one of SchmalturmPanzer IV


  - new US tier 7premium TD (Scorpion) will have full MM and its camo will be roughly on parwith E-25, it will be reduced a lot when it fires (to 0?), but it’s also extrelynimble and agile despite low engine horsepower (almost as nimble asELC). Might appear in 9.7 “if all goes well” – if not, 9.8


  - small buff is planned for Churchill GC


  - developers areworking on the improved motion physics, basically there’s a lot of feedback,they are looking for problematic areas, that cause wonky movement. There willapparently be many updates and corrections within a few days. Heavy tankintertia will be reduced.


  - “Our physicsare projected correctly, currently, light tanks can slide and use their inertiawithout going like ice-skating, mediums can slide and be much more dynamic andheavies can do the crab” (when they refer a crab is when a slope is so steepthat the tank starts to slide down backwards or sideways, thus causing the tankto flip, this happened quite a few times during the Italian campaign in 1944where Churchills had to go trough very steep areas, and sometimes, the tankwould start to slide, if not stopped in time, it would cause the tank to flip,often with fatal consequences)


  - developerswould like to (at one point, not anytime soon, it’s just an idea) research thehistorical capability of tanks of crossing slopes and trenches and implementit, as in Churchill for example being famous for being able to climb majorobstacles, but Maus – not so much


  - the fate ofterrible EU support service will be discussed tonight, there seems to be the air of anticipation from some developers, as they gladly apply for all nightshift to witness it

  To be continued…:)


  Russian server and EU server have thisweekend a special offer – conversion of free XP to crew XP (yes, for free, youalready paid for the free XP once – 1 free XP = 5 crew XP). For EU, you canread about it here.


  Storm also reports that the physics test is going “really well”.There is an effect in the test that they call “gear shifting” (basically, thetanks slows down as if you were shifting gears), this is actually a bug andwill be fixed (maybe even in the current test). Another bug is the strong dropof mobility in some vehicles (T-62A, AMX-50/100 and others), will be alsofixed.


  - according to Storm, 9.7 HD Superpershing is not gettingnerfed, it will definitely not be possible to sell it for gold


  - there are no plans to remove unhistorical M62 gun from IS-4


  - for now it was not decided yet whether the fact that VK4502Bwill only have one loader while the Mauschen will have two will be compensatedsomehow (SS: for example by a “free” multi-skill loader)


  - for now, there are no plans to introduce the Panther with GTturbine into the game, Storm is trying to prune the plans of “such nonsense”


  - the first round of physics test will take three days


  - motion physics do not depend on reworking allvehicles to HD


  - Storm doesn’t know whether HD Superpershingwill “lean” on its frontal wheels to simulate the frontal part beingoverstressed by additional armor


  - in new motion physics, the ground resistanceparameter will no longer be used. Instead, they will introduce a “traction”(ground contact) modifier with various grounds having different passability.Basically, the current tank terrain passability will remain atthe same level.


  - developers will not introduce damage fromcrashing into environmental objects


  - the current test represents “realistic”physics variant. There was a simplified physics variant prepared as well(second server), but it turned out to be bugged


  - even in new motion physics, there will beseveral points deciding the movement on the tank (SS: under roadwheels), the entire track surface will not become a contact area


  - all the physics developers, in order toprepare for new physics, were given (paid by WG) an actual T-72 to drive, sothey do it well


  - it’s possible that STB-1 will have its hydraulicsuspension implemented at one point


  - multiple physics (dynamics) variants will betested


  - shell “mass” (effect of shells on tanktrajectory) will not be implemented


  - the independent suspension is tied neither tomobility physics, nor to Havok, it’s basically a render thing, it doesn’t work on “old” render


  - it’s not clear yet, whether the improvedterrain passability from physics test (the ability to get the tanks to strangeplaces) will come to live server


上一篇:坦克世界9.7版本超级潘兴高清模型公布 下一篇:英国二战情报 日本97式Chi-Ha历史揭秘


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

