超测试服情报 777工程上线前终极数据
Hello warriors, 勇士们好: the Object 777 was changed one more time. According to the supertester leakers, these stats are final until the 0.9.9 common test, in which the vehicle will allegedly appear in supertester hands. 超测服再次修改了的777工程的数据。据超测玩家说,这数据已经定下来,会在9.9公开测试中,开放给超测玩家测试。(译注:说明一下,有些车即使放入了公开测试版,但也可能只对有超测资格的玩家开放。) - DPM was buffed from 1995 to 2238,3 - reload was buffed from 13,233 to 11,795 - ROF buffed from 4,534 to 5,087 - accuracy buffed from 0,374 to 0,345 - aimtime buffed from 2,88 to 2,59 - significant buff to accuracy on the move - gun depression buffed from -3 to -5 - hull traverse buffed from 27 to 28 - ground resistance buffed from 1,247/1,534/2,685 to 1,151/1,342/2,493 -DPM:1995 -> 2283.3 -装填:13.233s -> 11.795s -射速:4.534 -> 5.087 -精度:0.374 -> 0.345 -瞄准时间:2.88s -> 2.59s -大幅提高移动中的射击精度 -俯角:-3度 -> -5度 -车体转向:27 -> 28 -地面阻力:1.247/1.534/2.685 -> 1.151/1.342/2.493 So the current stats are: 以下是目前的数据: 等级:10级重坦 HP:2100 发动机:850 hp 重:49.8 tons 单位功率:17.07 hp/t 最高时速:50/16 km/h 车体转向:28 deg/s 炮塔转速:24 deg/s 地面阻力:1.151/1.342/2.493 视野:390 电台:850 车体装甲:132/115/? 炮塔装甲:258/225/? 主炮:122mm M62 均伤:440 穿深:258 射速:5.087 DPM:2238.3 装填:11.795 精度:0.345 瞄准:2.59s 俯角:-5 [编辑:不详]