日系重坦线第一辆车 八九式中戦車イ号
2015-06-06 05:41来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
Hello warriors, 勇士们好: this is the first tank of the Japanese "heavy" branch, the Type 89 (also known as I-Go). It's a tier 2 medium tank. The heavy branch will be tested in summer and should come out in 0.9.10. 这是本子“重坦”线的初始车,八九式中战车。这是一辆二级中坦,将在夏季对本子重坦线进行测试,应该在在9.10出。 Description: 车辆描述: Built in 1929. This was the first indigenous Japanese mass-produced tank with a diesel engine. It was the main tank of the Japanese forces in the early thirties. By the start of WW2 it was hopelessly obsolete but it fought practically until the end of the war. The last vehicles were used in combat in 1944 on Phillippines. 生产于1929年,是日本第一种使用柴油发动机的本土量产坦克。在二战开始时就已彻底过时,但仍然被使用到战争结束。最后一批被用于1944年在菲律宾的战斗。 参数: 等级:2级中坦 HP:200 发动机:120 hp 重:13.064 tons 单位功率:9.19 hp/t 最高时速:25/12 km/h 车体转向:38 deg/s 炮塔转速:36 deg/s 地面阻力:0.767/0.863/1.726 视野:320 电台:443 车体装甲:17/15/? 炮塔装甲:15/15/? 主炮:90式57mm坦克炮(九〇式五糎七戦车炮)? 均伤:75 穿深:29.6 射速:27.205 DPM: 2040 装填:2.205 精度:0.4 瞄准:2.1s 俯角:-15