1010你问我答 苏弹夹不加入9.0图像增强
2013-10-10 10:05来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
Ready for tomorrow? I know I am, took a day off, so the news from the test should be… quick . 准备好迎接明天了吗?我反正准备好了,我请了一天假,所以测试服的资讯应该会……很快就搞定。 Also note that wotreplays.org site is back online, if you want, check it out. 顺便提一下,这个网站已经上线了,如果你想去看看的话,请自便。 - the development of WoWp clouds is tied to the smokescreens in WoT, when it is optimized, WG will develop smokescreens based on it 战机世界中云彩的开发是与WOT中的烟幕所绑定的,当飞机世界的云彩优化做好了,WG会根据它来开发WOT中的烟幕。 - apparently, smoke (SS: from burning wrecks mentioned) will work like the bushes in WoWp and it will work that way in WoT too 还有,烟雾效果(SS:以前提到的还会继续燃烧的车身残骸)会像飞机世界中的草丛一样,在WOT中也会以同样的方式工作。 - 122mm D-83 gun (Object 167, Object 430U IIRC) won’t be implemented now, it’s too OP, but the developers keep it in mind 122毫米的D-83炮(我没记错的话是167工程,和430U工程)暂时不会引入游戏,因为太强力了,不过开发团队还是把这事记下了。 - regarding autoloading Soviet tanks, SerB states that in 1943, autoloaders for both the KV and T-34 were developed, but they won’t be implemented for now 说到弹夹炮苏联车,SerB表示在1943年,的确有开发过KV和T-34的弹夹炮版本,但是现在暂时不会加入游戏。 - Object 277 wont be implemented 277工程不会出现在游戏内。 - unfortunately, once the battle result (detailed) is gone (for example during restart), there is no way to get it back 假如战后报告(那个大的窗口)消失了的话(比如说你重启了客户端),是没办法搞回来的。