1021你问我答 不会有类似老鼠夹子勋章
2013-10-21 10:00来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Nothing much today answer-wise, though. 今天没啥东西。 - there will be no more “Mouse-trap-like” achievements for high tier tank kills other than Maus, it’s there for the Maus because Maus is unique - 不会有其他像"老鼠夹子"一样的猎杀高级车的徽章了,之所以会有猎杀鼠式的,是应为鼠式很强力(坚固)。 - according to Storm, binding your account to a cell phone number provides enough security from account hijacking - Storm表示绑定手机号码已经提供了足够的账号安全性了。 [编辑:nak]