
1008你问我答 卖超潘请趁早暂无国战模式


- currently, HEAT shells are subject to 3-caliber and 10-caliber rules (SS: 3-caliber rule concerns overmatch, 10-caliber rule concerns the length of the shell flight within the vehicle)

- 目前,HEAT符合3倍口径规则和10倍口径规则(SS:3倍口径碾压,10倍口径规则是炮弹击穿后在车体内飞行的长度)。

- Superpershing will be sellable for gold only before 8.9 goes live

- 超潘在8.9上线之前,可以卖掉获得金币弹。

- SerB states that “tests will show”, what computer will run improved graphics in WoT at 50-60FPS, but it should be “normal gaming computer”

- SerB说测试服将会向你展示什么样的电脑运行WO,T画质可以提升到50-60FPS,但“普通的小霸王游戏机就可以”。

- Radeon notebook graphic card optimizations for WoT? “I will tell when it’s done”

- 笔记本A卡的优化?做好了,我会告诉你的。

- M6A2E1 too weak against tier 10′s and 9′s? “go hulldown, attack higher tiers from the side and if that’s too tough, don’t play M6A2E1″

- 金馒头在面对9级和10级太渣了啊?卖头黑枪,攻击侧面;如果敌人太硬,打不穿,别玩好了

- Object 416 M-63 gun changing length between stock and top turrets? “It was done so.” (SS: as in “we simply did it like that”)

- Object 416 M-63 炮,在白板和顶级炮塔之间长度不同?确实是这样

- SerB states that despite the second A-44 turret is called “ekranirovannaja” (with spaced armor screens), there are no special armor screens in the model. SerB also says that when a turret with additional armor is implemented, if there is no space between the armor and the additional plate, the armor is modelled as a single block (SS: as in if you have a 100mm armor and then 20mm plate riveted directly on it, it will be modelled as a 120mm homogenous armor plate)

- SerB表示虽然A-44的第二个炮塔叫做“ekranirovannaja” (有间隙装甲),在模型上,它没有特殊的装甲。SerB还表示,当一个炮塔上加挂了装甲,如果两层装甲之间没用间隙,会直接视为一整块一体的装甲。 (SS:100mm外挂20mm=120mm)

- SerB states that if the “Turbopanther” is implemented, it will probably have just the historical armor, as unhistorical armor is added only when absolutely necessery, but emphasizes that it’s just an idea, not a real plan yet

- SerB说如果涡轮豹加入游戏,它可能只有史实装甲,只有在特别需要的情况下才会加入不符合史实的装甲,但强调,这只是想法,还没有真的计划

- WoT HD textures? “I will show when the time is right”

- 高清纹理?"时机合适就会告诉你的"

上一篇:加入台湾研制64式轻坦将采用青天白日徽 下一篇:坦克世界8.9版本 德系八级TD数据大爆料


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

