930你问我答 WOT联队战将引入战争迷雾
2013-09-30 11:40来源:网络发布者:门断平三色里三新手卡|游戏下载
- hitpoints of each vehicle are not calculated randomly, WG has a program/Excel table algorithm to calculate it, but the formula for it won’t be disclosed 坦克的血量不是随便给的,WG有一个专门的函数,当然是不会给你们看的。 - removing the “miniturret” (sometimes called “Artoo”) weakspot of KV-5 is not planned 没有把KV-5的咪咪切掉的计划。 - when the WoWp gets released, player statistics will be wiped WoWp正式运营时玩家数据会被清空。 - additional objects within the capping circle of new maps (compared to old maps) were added to make it interesting for players 新图旗圈中新加的物件(和老图相比)是为了给玩家更多乐趣。 - SerB confirms that E-50 has the worst camo factor of all T9 meds 神确认E-50是9级中坦中隐蔽最差的没有之一。 - no solution towards teammates who block your line of fire will be implemented: “We’ll leave it up to players” 惩罚挡炮线者的机制不会被引入:“留待玩家自决!” - apparently, garage battles are still planned. Storm: “For now, we will not tell any details about this mode. We’ll implement it, we’ll test it and then we’ll talk.” 车库战显然还在计划之中。Storm:“现在我们啥都不会告诉你,等它出来了,开测了,我们再来谈。” - ingame Lowe is, according to Storm, based on W1662 Lowe variant from Panzer Tracts 根据Storm的说法,游戏中的狮子是基于《Panzer Tracts》中的“W1662‘狮’”的。 - Storm states that firing on obstacles, behind which an enemy is hiding in order to “smoke him out” won’t be rewarded, as it is practically impossible to determine, whether a player is firing at obstacles to smoke someone out, or simply randomly Storm称打掉敌人面前的障碍物使其显露出来不会得到奖赏,因为无法判断这一行为是有意为之还是单纯乱打。 - it’s possible module repair time display will be implemented when dynamic tank stats in garage are added 在车库中可以显示坦克的动态数据后[比如熟练度50和熟练度100显示的射速就不一样],显示各部件修复所需时间的功能也可能被引入。 - it’s possible company battles will get “fog of war”, but random battles definitely not 可能在联队战中引入战争迷雾,不过野队显然不会。 - Storm states that the devs consider additional tank statistics (such as average XP per battle, average hitrate, penetration rate and others) when it comes to balancing vehicles only in special cases with some individual hard-to-balance vehicles Storm称开发组只有在处理平衡起来很难的坦克时才会考虑一些额外的统计数据(场均获得经验、平均命中率、平均击穿率等等)。 - moving clouds might be implemented at some point 可能会加入能飘动的云。 - it’s too early to tell how well is T-34-3 doing statistically 现在谈T-34-3统计上表现的如何还太早了。 - when the player stat hiding is implemented, 3rd party API-based applications (SS: XVM, noobmeter etc.) won’t be able get them either (“What would be the point of hiding statistics if they could”) 隐藏玩家数据的功能被引入后,基于API接口的第三方插件也无法查询到它们(不然还做这功能干啥)。 - it’s not possible to tell whether WoT will work under Steam OS, especially considering the fact that Steam might make its OS with blocking non-steam applications. 无法确定WOT是否能在Steam OS下运行,尤其是考虑到Steam可能只允许操作系统运行本家的程序这一点。 - you can’t see your tank’s hull in sniper mode so that it doesn’t interfere with your view 为了防止阻挡视界,狙击模式下是看不到自己的车体的。 - AMX-50B dimensions are historical AMX-50B的体型是符合历史的。 - +/-1 MM is not planned 没有正负一的分房。[我怎么觉得这么眼熟呢 - details for the statistics hiding option will be published in patchnotes for public test patch (SS: not sure if 8.9 or not) 隐藏统计数据功能的具体内容将在测试服的某个更新内容列表中放出。(SS:不确定是不是8.9) - SerB thinks roughly 20 percent of players will hide their player stats 神觉得大概20%的玩家会隐藏他们的数据。 - FV304 arty is based on FV300 light tank platform FV304是基于FV300轻型坦克的底盘的。 [编辑:nak]